Every year, a mysterious list comes out featuring all the items for school. While experienced parents know exactly where to find this list, many first-time preschool parents are unaware of where to go to find it. So, here are a list of potential places to look for this school supply list. With preschool starting fairly soon, it is important that you track down a copy so that you have everything you need.
Preschool Website
If your preschool happens to keep a well updated website, you can easily find the list, although in some cases, you will need to log in or sign up for their site. It depends on how it is set up. So, if you do need a special ID number, make sure to call the preschool plenty of time ahead for access to the site before school starts. Not all preschools will have an up-to-date website but don’t despair. There are more places to find this information.
Many times stores will post photocopies of school supply lists under the name of your school. While the lists aren’t quite out yet, they soon will be. Look for these lists at the end of July and beginning of August. These lists can run out pretty quickly and some schools are slow to restock them. So, grab one when you have the opportunity even if school supplies aren’t on your shopping list for that day.
Other Parents
Some parents are super organized with their school supply lists. Don’t be afraid to ask them for a copy. Many parents will gladly oblige with this request. They know how important is to have a list.
If your preschool is running an open house this fall, swing by. They probably have lists available. Even if you have already registered, you can still get the information. Plus, it is a good time to introduce your preschooler to their teachers and classroom.
Many charities also have a basic list of school supplies. Keep an eye out for these drives to get a basic idea of what your child needs. If you can’t afford school supplies this year, don’t be afraid to sign-up to get your preschooler’s basic supplies.
The school supply list is one of the most important pieces of paper. It has the power to turn parents into frazzled, stressed out people. These are the places where you can find your preschooler’s supply list.