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Archives for Tweens

If You Have Nothing Nice to Say

by Michele March 10th, 2025| Behavior, Tweens

The tween years can be trying. For everyone. As the parent, you may be feeling frustrated with this hormonal, pre-adolescent person, but remember, he or she is feeling that frustration, too. Of course, frustration is not a get out of jail

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3 New Tips for Tween School Success

by Lori Sciame February 3rd, 2025| School, Tweens

Being born smart certainly helps a tween to succeed in a learning environment, and so does being curious about the world around him or her. It's a given that an engaged student, one who loves learning, will be more apt to

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How to Give Back at the Holidays

by Lori Sciame December 30th, 2024| Tweens

The holiday season offers lots of opportunities to teach tweens about the concept of giving back.  Sample volunteer positions include: ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, collecting food for the local food pantry, assisting at a soup kitchen, buying

Tweens Helping Out With Thanksgiving

by T Akery November 25th, 2024| Tweens

Thanksgiving is a time for families. To truly turn it into a family affair, ask your tween to help out. Not only does it take some of the stress off of you, tweens will feel that


Parent-Teacher Conferences: Basic Guidelines

by YPI Editors November 18th, 2024| Elementary, Preschool, School, School, School, School, Teens, Tweens

As November begins, many students are finishing the first quarter of the school year. With this demarcation usually comes parent-teacher conferences. As a parent and a former teacher, I have to admit that these conferences can be stressful for both sides


Playdates for Tweens? Yes, Please

by YPI Editors October 21st, 2024| Social, Tweens

First of all, we need to start with a quick parenting update- your tween will not want to use the word playdate. Playdates are for little kids. However, don't let terminology confuse you. Your tween very much


TV as Family Entertainment: Tweens

by YPI Editors September 16th, 2024| Entertainment, Tweens

The tween years can become the time when your child wants to be out of the house or with friends on weekend nights. So, those family movie nights you enjoyed during the elementary years may be fewer


The Terrible Tween Years?

by Michele August 19th, 2024| Communication, Tweens

Your tween wants to be a teenager so very badly. It seems that the world of a teen is much more exciting- able to go to more places on their own, later bedtimes, driver's licenses, dating. Yes, it is an exciting


Listening Rules for Tweens with Earbuds or Headphones

by Michele July 15th, 2024| Behavior, Tweens

Earbuds. Headphones. They are everywhere. It's not just a tween problem. Take a walk down any city street, and you'll see a multitude of people walking with either one or both ears hosting an earbud. From shoppers to joggers to


Tweens Need to Be Seen and Heard

by Michele June 10th, 2024| Social, Tweens

When I was a child and through my teen years, I would sometimes hear at the dinner table the old saying, "Children should be seen and not heard." (Now, I'm not of an age that it was a common way of

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Respect & Tweens: Reciprocity & Patience

by Michele May 6th, 2024| Behavior, Tweens

I cannot stress this enough, the tween years can be hard. For everyone involved. Out of the pre-college parenting years, I think middle school is the hardest. The kids are trying to figure out where they fit, are dealing with hormonal


Home Alone: A New Experience

by Michele April 1st, 2024| Safety, Tweens

Somewhere during the middle school years your child may want to stay home alone. Whether it be while you run a quick trip to the grocery store or for a short period of time between the end of the school day

