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Archives for Elementary

elementary dinner

How to Make Family Dinners Awesome

by Tania Cowling March 3rd, 2025| Elementary, Seasonal

Mealtimes should be happy routines for your kids. Remember that pleasant eating experiences are just as important as nutritious foods. At this age, the kiddos are developing their food habits and attitudes - hopefully good ones, although sometimes the dinner table


Too Much Screen Time?

by Joe Lawrence January 27th, 2025| Elementary, Entertainment

"Kids today are on these electronic devices too much," say most parents. However, few parents are doing much to change this.

The average child is behind a screen of some sort for two to three hours per day.

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How to Keep Greed Under Control

by Lori Sciame December 23rd, 2024| Elementary

The holidays are a time of joy and giving, a time for love and family. Unfortunately, however, for elementary age children, the holidays can also be a time of greed. If parents are not careful, children this age can succumb


Parent-Teacher Conferences: Basic Guidelines

by YPI Editors November 18th, 2024| Elementary, Preschool, School, School, School, School, Teens, Tweens

As November begins, many students are finishing the first quarter of the school year. With this demarcation usually comes parent-teacher conferences. As a parent and a former teacher, I have to admit that these conferences can be stressful for both sides


Elementary Playdates- A Vital Activity

by YPI Editors October 14th, 2024| Elementary, Social

The term playdate is a modern term. Not that long ago, children just played with the other children in their neighborhood. Walk down the street, knock on the door, go outside and play, repeat. Sure, it still

Building Brighter Futures: Michael Amin’s Vision for the Maximum Difference Foundation

by Editorial Team October 4th, 2024| Elementary

“We need our children to do well in life,” remarks Michael Amin, as he sits behind the desk inside his Los Angeles-area office. “Children grow into adults, and that’s who ends up shaping our world, as they take their place


TV as Family Entertainment: Elementary Years

by YPI Editors September 9th, 2024| Elementary, Entertainment

There's something so delightful about the elementary years, although it isn't obvious while you're in the midst of them. Your children are old enough to have a tiny bit of independence, yet they also welcome time with mom and dad. Since


Dealing with Children’s Emotions

by Joe Lawrence August 12th, 2024| Communication, Elementary

Ever since becoming a parent I have learned so much. Some of it was from diligent study; however, most of it was on the fly. Dealing with emotional breakdowns is one those things I learned by winging it.


Beat the Heat With Water

by Tania Cowling July 8th, 2024| Elementary, Entertainment

Your kids can quench the sizzle of summer with water. So, whether you have a swimming pool, wading pool, or just the garden hose, your kids can spend hours of fun and beat the heat this season. These wet and wild


Learning Over the Summer

by Joe Lawrence June 3rd, 2024| Elementary, School

"No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks" were the Alice Cooper lyrics I sang as I crossed the threshold from my classroom to the freedom that awaited. Then summer was time for us to dump all that

board game

Bring Out the Board Games Instead of TV

by Tania Cowling April 29th, 2024| Elementary, Seasonal

Each year a national initiative aims to make turning off the television a rewarding experience. It's a time to help families reconnect and children rediscover the simple joys of activities other than digital entertainment. Screen-free week varies from April to May.

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How to Foster Effective Communication in Children

by Lori Sciame March 25th, 2024| Communication, Elementary

Every person has strengths and weaknesses. For example, some people are born communicators, while others struggle to connect with their peers. As a parent, you must assist your child with becoming an effective communicator, even if he or she can be

