Beauty supplies, cosmetics, whatever you want to call it, makeup is gonna play a role in your daughter’s life. In my preference, ten is the perfect age to start dabbling with the cosmetics. At ten my mom only allowed me to use a bit of lip gloss, and I think that is perfectly fair. Makeup is supposed to mature you in a way. Makeup is kind of the first sign of growing up and becoming independent. If you are a ten-year-old or 5th grader and you want to wear makeup, but your mom says no, try making a deal with her. For example, talk to her about wearing lip gloss, not a colored one, but a sheer or nude lip gloss. That’s what I did. Or ask about maybe using a champagne-y colored eye shadow or a very light coat of mascara.
In 6th grade I was allowed to use one makeup product; normally it was mascara, but sometimes I used eyeliner or eyeshadow. In 6th grade you are really starting to grow up and some girls are even starting to go through puberty. Wearing makeup is sort of a way to express your maturity.
Then you’re in 7th grade and you might even be a teenager now. In 7th grade I was allowed two types of makeup, which didn’t include the tinted moisturizer I sometimes used. Again, I always wore mascara, but now I got to wear it with an eyeliner or eyeshadow.
Finally, it’s 8th grade. I get to wear three types of makeup, again not including the tinted moisturizer. I wear a black eyeliner with a gray-blue eyeshadow and mascara. I have blue eyes so the gray-blue really brings out the color of them. I will also wear this nude-ish color I have and I then apply a whitish sparkly color over it.
If you ever look at famous, classy women, they don’t wear very dark makeup on any regular day. Typically they wear earth tones, but the trick is knowing which earth tones make your eyes pop. Blues, purples, and greens look great with brown eyes, but remember to make the brighter colors more muted. For blue eyes, golds, coppers, browns, grays, and even violets look great. Berry-ish colors and browns pair fabulously with green eyes. Finally, for hazel eyes, greys, pinks, and coppers look great. Nude colors look good with all eye colors.
For my one last note — until you hit high school I don’t think you need a true foundation. I believe that a tinted moisturizer works just fine unless you have very bad skin. You can find tinted moisturizers at most drugstores. Most makeup brands like Avon carry them.