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Tricks to Getting Homework Done on a Busy Weekend

by Sam P. | September 11th, 2013 | Teen Perspective, Teens

homeworkWe’ve all had one of these weekends. It’s the beginning of the school year so you don’t think you’ll have much, or any, homework.  Because of your supposedly free weekend you pack your planner full of plans, from Friday right after school all the way up till Sunday night at 6 or 7.  But Friday comes and your teachers load you with homework for your first weekend.  What do you do?  Well you can’t ditch your friends, and you can’t skip the track meet.  And you certainly can’t skip Sunday’s plans, it’s your one month with your partner!  Here are some sneaky ways to slip some learning into your social weekend.

  • Whenever you’re hanging out with friends, bring your school bag with you, with all your homework inside.  Your friends might call you a buzz kill when you pull it all out, but they’re probably in the same predicament.  Better yet, text or call them all ahead of time and have them bring their stack of work along also.  Chances are at least some of you are in the same classes, and you can help each other out.
  • Skip T.V. and technology.  As alluring as catching up on this season of Awkward is, you’ve got work to do.  So don’t do your homework in a room with a television in it.  Don’t even do it with your phone, iPod, Kindle, etc. on or near you.  They’re too much of a distraction, and you’re too tempted to start using them.
  • Do your homework on bus rides to meets/games or on car rides.  If it’s only a five-minute ride, it may not be worth bringing along a packet of math problems, but that is enough time to continue reading the novel you’re supposed to finish by Monday.  Or start it if you’ve procrastinated all week.
  • Have a study date.  I’m sure you and your girlfriend want to do something more interesting than cram for the quiz you have Monday, but watching Avatar for the 10th time won’t help you ace it.  If your boyfriend is older, or younger, than you, you can still help each other out.  Chances are you have at least one or two of the same classes, or one of you has already taken the class the other is in.
  • If all else fails, you can either tell your friends that you can’t make it, or have to leave early, or pull a couple late nighters.  Nobody likes a ditcher, so try to stop by for at least an hour or two if your plans were already set in stone.  Plus your friends will understand.  If that still isn’t enough time, stay up late Sunday or Saturday night writing that assignment on your favorite beach.  The only thing I wouldn’t suggest is reading a novel that was assigned by your English teacher late at night.  Chances are it’s fairly boring and will put you right to sleep.  And even if you manage not to make reading time into nap time you won’t remember any of it in the morning.

Hopefully this will help you tackle your stack of work without turning you into the unsocial butterfly.

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