The tween years are often awkward for a child. On one hand, they are reluctant to leave their childhood behind, while on the other hand they are anxious for their impending teen-hood and all it entails. Girls and boys are beginning to take notice of one another and realizing cooties don’t actually exist. And it is especially at this time that they need loving parental guidance more than ever before, assuring the transition for them is not only a time of positive growth but one where they are taught the proper socialization skills which will pave the way for all which is to come. After all, virtually all of our individual successes in life have been the result of our ability to properly socialize with those around us.
Do not be apprehensive in sitting your child down and asking them if there is anything on their mind they would like advice with. And not in an obtrusive way, do not be afraid to offer advice even if they may appear less than receptive. Oddly enough, they are listening even if they may not react. Just make certain you do it in a calm and loving manner, otherwise you may as well offer your advice to the toaster. The important thing is to make certain they are consistently aware of your availability, as you closely observe them from a reasonable distance.
For socialization purposes, you may wish to seek out certain activities such as church youth groups which are typically co-ed, and typically very well supervised. While this source may not be for everyone, organizations such as the Y generally offer programs for young boys and girls, and they too are well supervised. If this is of interest, but you are not certain what is offered in your area, contact your local city hall. If your child has a desire, look for a junior bowling league, or a children’s theater group. Any positive intermingling at this stage in their life will only serve to teach them better social skills, while at the same time slowly eliminating certain fears associated with growing up.
When the teen years hit full on, as they inevitably will, parents will be faced with an entirely new set of circumstances and growing pains, but the better we prepare our kids during these ever so important tween years, the smoother their ship will sail into the future. The ability to comfortably meld in with the society which will one day become inherently theirs depends upon the gentle guiding hand of a parent who understands the importance of the role they play in their child’s life, today.