I come to you with only Karate, my empty hands. I have no weapons, but should I be forced to defend myself, my principles or my honor; should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons: Karate, my empty hands. These words are the basis of American Kenpo, a martial art I feel is very good for kids to study.
Most importantly, Kenpo teaches you self defense. This helps your kids in the case of a crime, if they are bullied, and many more incidents. The need for an effective method for your kids to protect themselves in today’s often hostile and violent environment is very real. Also, the study of American Kenpo will boost your child’s physical coordination immensely. Self confidence and a positive mental attitude are acquired in the lessons of Kenpo, along-with self-discipline and determination to move on. Finally, today’s lifestyles have become increasingly sedentary for kids. With television increasingly occupying more and more of many children’s time, physical inactivity becomes an ever present concern of interested parents. The study of Kenpo is a very invigorating endeavor that enables your kids to create and build energy in a focused and directed manner.
At my school, Granite State American Kenpo, classes are set up like this. The teen and adult class is for ages thirteen and older, the kids class is six through twelve, and the preschool class is ages three and a half and up. Prices are reasonable, and if your teacher feels you are ready, you can join a club for motivated learners. Also, there are family bonuses for families who go together. One of my best friend’s whole family goes, so three out of the four of them train together.
So, if your child is unruly, bullied, out of shape, or without direction, he or she should try Kenpo.