Has your baby been drooling steadily? Does she mouth every toy she picks up? Your little one may be teething. Teething can be annoying to babies; the gums can be painful. Here are some important tips to learn when those pearly whites may pop and what to do to comfort your baby.
Physical Signs of Teething
Babies usually begin to cut teeth between the ages of four to seven months with molars coming in around their second birthday. The bottom and top front teeth come in first, with some children getting one at a time and others several at once. Remember that babies are individuals and no two babies teethe at the same time.
There are definite signs of teething including drooling, gnawing on everything in sight, and physical signs of indention or swelling of the gums. You may see your child pull at his ears, as the nerves that are in the jaw or middle ear get inflamed but not normally infected. Now, if your infant is running a fever or not eating, don’t just assume this is teething, your baby may be sick. Time to call the pediatrician for advice.
After your baby gets her first tooth or two, it’s time to make the first visit to a pediatric dentist, and especially if the child has not cut a tooth by his first birthday.
How to Calm a Teething Baby
As I said above, teething babies will chew on everything they can get their hands on. Beware of sharp toys that can cut the gums. Think about special teething rings that can be refrigerated — anything cold will help the pain. Other cool objects can be a cooled dampened washcloth and even a semi-frozen banana half if your child has started solid foods. A frozen solid fruit is too hard; so make sure it’s just cold.
Give lots of love and kisses during this teething period. Your baby may be cranky, so soft massage, taking longer walks, even bicycling the legs may help with getting your baby to sleep. Since sucking may cause your child’s gums to hurt more, think about avoiding the pacifier (unless you baby craves it) and maybe offering breast milk, formula or milk in a sippy cup. Older babies will enjoy fruit juice pops to numb the gums.
Always Wait to Medicate
But, if your teething baby is super fussy (crying a lot or waking up too many times at night), you may want to talk with your pediatrician. Some doctors prescribe infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen to sooth the pain. There are also natural teething tablets or gels that are over the counter for teething, but I would always check with your pediatrician before using any product with your little loved one.
Remember teething doesn’t last forever, and the end result is beautiful teeth. Read this link of tips from other mothers on teething – homemade remedies are always helpful.