On Friday April 19th my school participated in the GLSEN day of silence. This is a day in which students who believe in gay rights take an oath of silence to stand up against LGBT harassment. I participated in this day as I am a firm believer in equal rights and have several friends who are either gay or lesbian. GLSEN stands for Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network. GLSEN had held this day of silence for numerous years and my school has participated for every year it has been around.
I think this day makes a huge impact by showing just how many people will stand up against LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered) harassment. It is really a simple task, not communicating for a day. It wasn’t hard at all. The only thing that upset me about it was the number of kids that signed up for it but never went through with it. Also there were a lot of kids that quit halfway through the day. If you sign up for something you commit to it and you do not back out half way through. That’s like starting a basketball game and then quitting half way through because you would rather be out with your friends. It isn’t right.
Another thing that frustrated me was the number of kids that signed up and then the day before (or even that day, if they quit), were using the word gay in a derogatory way. No kid should ever have to hear what they are being used as an insult. That’s like me walking up to one of my friends and saying something is “black” while someone who is African-American is standing right next to us. You have to put yourself in that person’s shoes and realize how terrible that must feel.
And I am sure this will cause a little debate, but I don’t think it is a choice or a defect. It is who you are. It isn’t the same as something like vegetarianism where you can just wake up and decide to be one. It just happens. At least this is what I have been told.
Hopefully those of you that agree with me will join forces with me and the LGBT community in the attempt to stop the use of the word gay in a derogatory way.