With so many new addicting phone apps and TV shows (I’m looking at you, Stop) we often take for granted what has been given to us naturally for entertainment. With spring here and summer approaching quickly we need to take advantage of the nature surrounding us and use our natural resources for fun instead of melting our brains staring at screens all day long. Some of the most fun days I have had with my friends are the ones when we went out and just explored for hours, or played Frisbee at the park, or even just simply went for a walk. Here in NH it’s still a little chilly, but that doesn’t keep us from having fun. We all simply grab a jacket. When you’re having fun, you typically don’t even notice if you’re cold.
One great idea is to go for a hike. Whether you take a road trip to a mountain or just walk around in the woods out back (for those of you lucky enough to have that), hiking is so much fun, just remember bug spray. If you have a dog, take it with you and go explore. Of course, don’t go so far that you get miserably lost and can’t find your way home. DO be sure to bring a phone with you that is fully charged in case you do get lost and need to find your way back.
Another great idea is some sports. Whether it is playing Frisbee or kicking around a soccer ball, athletics are always fun. And you don’t have to be crazy competitive or anything, a simple game of catch will suffice. An even better idea is to get a huge group of kids together and play a game of touch football or a baseball/wiffle ball game. Just don’t get too competitive, a little competitive spirit can be fun, but don’t let things get out of hand.
Take drive to the beach or a nearby lake (this is also a great option for a date). Pack a lunch and some blankets for a picnic, and you have a wonderful day set out for you. Put together a road trip playlist and jam out on your way there. Take in the beauty of nature when you get there, and don’t forget to pack a ball or Frisbee to play with when you get there. Also an option, watch the sunset while you’re there for one of the most beautiful and serene views you will ever experience.
Even something as simple as a walk can be fun. If you want you can grab your bikes and longboards for a faster trip, that will be just as fun. Go across town and visit a friend, or just walk around and experience the wonders of the world. This option is dog friendly as well.
Next time you and your friends are all bored together, don’t play video games and waste the day away. Go outside and have some fun. Experience nature and all the fun it has to offer.