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Supervising Gaming

by Michele | February 4th, 2009 | Elementary

As of 2007, approximately 40% of US households had gaming systems, according to Nielsen.  With a percentage this high, it is likely that many children have the opportunity to play video games, whether it be at home or at a friend’s or relative’s house.

Many of these children are afforded the chance to play games alone or with friends as they mature.  However, that doesn’t mean that parents no longer have control over the games their children play.  All of the major gaming systems, Nintendo Wii, Microsoft XBOX 360, Playstation 360, offer parental controls for their products.

If you want to offer your child some freedom but still have a say in the games which he plays, read this informative article on Level Revel.

  1. iceah says:

    thanx for this post c: my son is 3 but already is addicted to online games c: parents should start telling them which is not a good game c:

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