Last year my daughter was an A student, but since she started sixth grade last month she’s getting nothing but C’s. Is it too early to worry about this? Should I just keep helping her with her homework and waiting to see if she improves?
My opinion is that you should address this right away with your daughter’s teachers. Entering Grade 6 in most districts is quite a change for students. If the school allows you to email teachers, I would start with that. Mention to her teachers that your child has a history of being an “A” student, so you wanted to get in touch with them right away to see how she is doing in school so far. Tell them that you noticed that she is receiving C’s so far in Grade 6 and that you want to help her to get a handle on Grade 6 expectations right away.
Also talk to your daughter and ask her if she is having any trouble adjusting to Grade 6 and remind her that she can always go to any teacher if she is not sure what the expectations are in certain subjects.
Best of luck and good job, mom, on being right on top of your daughter’s grades and for being willing to help guide her with her homework!
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