The Rose Art Creative Art Toolbox is an art kit that includes its own carrying case. However, this particular product features exactly one useful item, the toolbox. The rest of the kit consists of cheap art supplies and cheap coloring paper.
Apparently, each crayon, marker, paint color, and piece of paper is counted as a separate item. According to their counting, a box of 24 crayons is considered 24 items when most people would count the crayon box as a single item. While they advertise over 190 items, all you really get is a less than half-full toolbox with a cardboard filler.
Rose Art isn’t really known for its quality products. Half the time, the crayons break on first use even with an extremely light touch. The pencils don’t sharpen very well. There isn’t that much paint in the containers. Markers don’t last a full color page and the patterns aren’t varied enough for both little kids and older kids.
In short, if you are looking for art supplies, this is the wrong item to buy. You will get more for your money with a large package of crayons and some coloring books from the dollar store.
The only real thing of value in the the whole kit is the toolbox itself. It is made of a decent plastic and has a convenient handle for kids to grab and go with. As a storage box, the toolbox can hold miscellaneous art supplies and crayons for easy access. However, there are no dividers so everything does wind up all mixed up.
But since it is made of shiny plastic, it is impervious to water, crayons and paint won’t adhere to it and markers will rub off. This is probably the only material that actually resists being colored on.
The most fragile piece of the box is the latch itself. If that breaks, you might as well throw the whole thing away because it won’t stay closed otherwise. Grabbing the handle without the latch closed is a disaster waiting to happen.
The product may be cheaper than other similar products but it lacks in quality. Unless you are only buying it as potential storage for art supplies, it really isn’t worth the price.