The letter Z is one of the hardest letters to prepare preschool snacks for. Whether you got stuck with it as a last minute sign-up or volunteered for this particular letter, here are some ideas to get you started. Not all of these snacks are going to be that healthy. However, you can throw in some apples or carrot sticks for additional nutrition. So, here are some Z-inspired snacks to get you through this very difficult letter.
Zebra cookies
Zebra cookies are fairly easy to make. Just use a cookie that is able to be frosted. Then add black and white frosting in the form of stripes. You can also make zebra faces with the addition of some eyes and a nose. The trick to keeping these intact is to let the frosting harden before you pack them up. Otherwise, they will turn into zebra messes.
Zebra snack cakes
Of course, the food industry has kind of already solved the problem for you with Zebra cakes. Although not the ideal snack for preschoolers, they will do in a pinch when you completely have forgotten about Z week. Just make sure to read the package label to ensure you have one for every kid and some for the teacher as well. Serve with a side of apples or carrots for a more rounded snack.
Zucchini Bread
Zucchini is a great vegetable to introduce in bread form. Many preschoolers will probably like it if they aren’t quite aware that zucchini is a vegetable. So, approach this snack food carefully. You can probably get away with it if you call it “Z bread” instead. You might want to wait until after snack time to spread the word about zucchini because some preschoolers will balk at trying it.
Striped Sandwiches
Chocolate and bread can turn into a striped sandwich reminiscent of a zebra. The trick is to use a healthier white bread since whole wheat won’t show the stripes quite as well. Avoid using Nutella for your chocolate spread if there is a peanut allergy in your preschool classroom. Throw in a fruit like grapes or apples to add a little balance to this one.
Zoo Animals
Animal crackers are a great way to represent a zoo. This is another quick go-to type of last minute snack. Emphasis the zoo theme by throwing in some celery stick trees and some pretzel sticks as a part of rounding up the animals. You can get really elaborate at creating an edible zoo or really simple, depending on how much time you have. Place extra emphasis on the zoo animals.
These are a few ideas to get you thinking about snacks for Z week. If you have your own snack ideas for Z week, feel free to share them.