Preparing to go back to school when you’re going to college is far different that high school. I learned that rather quickly this summer. Of course you have to pack up and move everything, and you have to say good bye to your friends and make new ones, but there is so much more that you have to do, as well. When you take a look at your typical school prep it includes buying binders and folders, back to school clothes, perhaps a new backpack even. This article is going to be dedicated to high school seniors as a peek at what next summer will look like if they are choosing to go to college.
For starters you will need a job. College itself is expensive, but if you are living on campus, you will have a long list of purchases you will need to make for your dorm. If you are worried about not being able to see any of your friends over the summer because you will be working too much, don’t worry. I worked close to 40 hours a week this summer and still had plenty of time for friends. Plus, all of them will be working to make money for college, as well. If you don’t get a job, chances are you will end up at home bored because all of your friends are at work.
You will also have to register for classes, most likely. This is a very stressful time, but don’t worry if you don’t get your first pick for classes. This is only your first year, and you will have plenty of chances to take those classes. The best advice is to register as soon as you can, as most classes fill up quickly.
As for dorm shopping, consult your roommate(s) before doing too much. Of course you can buy sheets and what not, but don’t go and buy a tv and a coffee maker before talking to them because they may already have one. Talk to your roommate(s) and see what everyone already has, and then divvy up what is left to be bought between everyone. You can do this with room décor as well, if someone already has a large rug to put in the room, you don’t need to buy one as well because chances are there isn’t room. You don’t have to go overboard, though. You can, of course, buy things like bedding without consulting them (although you may not want to buy crazy colors and end up clashing, but that’s just me).
The most important thing to remember, however, is not to stress out. Right now you are just starting your application process and that is stressful enough. Once you pick a college you have far less to worry about. Buying dorm stuff and getting ready for college should not stress you out, it should be fun and exciting.