Using tools has marked human progress throughout history. So what tools does a preschooler need to master? A child needs to be able to use a pencil, toothbrush, silverware, open doorknobs, tie shoelaces, just to name a few. Also, learning to use a pair of child safety scissors marks an important milestone in child development. Here are a few simple scissor activities to get your little learner started.
The scissors may be a child’s favorite tool, but one of the most difficult to master. Introduce very simple tasks first, and then gradually move on to activities that require increasing levels of difficulty.
First, show your youngster how to insert his/her finger and thumb correctly into the holes. Help to practice opening and closing of this tool. You may need to stand behind your child placing your hand over hers to give assistance. Say the words “open and close†while practicing.
The process of cutting is rewarding to your preschooler. Make sure his safety scissors are working well and beginning with a lightweight card stock is sometimes easier than flimsy paper; it jams less frequently.
Draw lines on this card stock asking the child to follow and cut on the marks to make strips. Continue this process until all the strips have been cut.
Next, the child needs to learn control of the scissors. This task requires your little learner to not only be able to cut, but to stop cutting at a desired spot. So on this next piece of card stock, draw green lines (meaning GO) and a red dot (for STOP). Let the child begin practice cutting the first green line and stopping at the red dot. Then, move the scissors to the next green line and repeat the same directions.
After your youngster has mastered stripes, it’s time to move on to shapes. Draw a 4-inch square on paper. Show the child how to cut one of the sides, stop and turn the paper and then resume cutting. Continue this activity and vary the sizes of the squares each time. Next, move on to rectangles and triangles.
The hardest shape for preschoolers may be the circle, as the child needs to turn the paper while cutting. This can take some time to master, but children this age really love to snip, snip with their scissors. If they make a mistake, tell them it’s okay and just move on. When a child becomes frustrated with this new learning activity – take a break for the day and resume this practice another time.
Now what do you do with all these stripes and shapes that have been cut? Why not bring out the glue stick and let the preschooler make a simple collage by pasting these pieces onto a full sheet of construction paper. Also, on subsequent days of cutting practice, use a variety of papers for fun – colorful construction paper, gift-wrap, scrapbook papers, and even old magazines. Your child can make more complex art projects since learning scissor skills. The possibilities are endless!