The Galaxy S7 is one of the best Androids on the market. Right now, its only competition is its cousin, the Galaxy S7 Edge. With that sort of clout, everybody wants Samsung’s latest and greatest, but not everyone can afford its hefty price tag. Depending on your carrier you can be paying as much as $800 for this particular model. As a result, a lot of people are going to wait until the next Galaxy comes out before they get the S7 second-hand, at a discounted price – which puts you, a current owner of the S7, in an amazing position. Once you’re ready to upgrade to Samsung’s next smartphone, you can sell your S7 and earn a bit of money back.
The industry of second-hand cell phones is larger than you think. There are plenty of people out there willing to forgo having the latest piece of technology for a slightly lower price point. How much you will get for your used phone will all depend on how well it looks after you’re done with it. You can’t expect to get top dollar if you’ve got scuffs, scrapes, or scratches ruining the smooth lines of the S7. Nobody would want to spend their money on a phone like that. In which case, you need to keep your phone in mint condition with a skin.
A skin is a piece of 3M vinyl that wraps around the body of the Galaxy and protects it from scratches, scuffs, and dings that would lower the resale value of your S7. Its grime-free and water resistant material also makes the S7 a cinch to keep clean and free of ugly finger smudges. And let’s face it, the Galaxy S7 has a problem with grime build-up. If you choose a full skin – one that covers the buttons as well as the body of the phone – you can even prevent the buttons and seams from gumming up. As a result, your S7 will look brand new, even months (or even years) down the line.
A Galaxy S7 skin isn’t just protection for the future. It’s also a stylish addition to your phone, so you can enjoy the look of your S7 while you’re the proud owner. The vinyl used in the skins at dbrand.com/samsung-galaxy-skins is treated to look as good as the Galaxy’s original design. They’re available in carbon fiber, wood, leather, and metal textures which can transform your S7 from a commonplace Android into a completely unique smartphone. You can mix these textures with true colors like magenta, blue, and green to create a style that’s a little less Samsung and a lot more you.
With a Samsung skin wrapped around your Galaxy S7, you can save your phone and your plans to make a little extra cash before your next update. Its strong and surprisingly fashionable vinyl will protect your S7 from scratches, scuffs, and gouges, so you won’t have to worry about damaging it before you can sell it. And when you do, you’ll get top dollar for it.
Brought to you by our friends at dbrand.com.