Bad behavior will typically receive a consequence from a parent, but one does not often think about the natural occurrences that come about because of a bad behavior. Bad behavior can be anything from just being rude, to being physically aggressive toward things. It could be someone mouthing off to someone, making fun of someone, or even getting mad and punching a wall or throwing things in a temper tantrum like way. Something even like speeding when driving is a form of bad behavior. While all of these actions come with a reprimand from a teacher, parents, or any other authoritative figure, consequences can also just come naturally.
The biggest example of this is from your friends. If you are constantly rude or of a bad behavior, while not maliciously, your friends may start to treat you this way in return, or even distance themselves from you. No one wants to spend time with a person that constantly puts a damper on the mood.
Natural consequences come to breaking the law, as well. If you get caught speeding, being pulled over and getting a ticket is a natural consequence to that. Reprimand followed up by a parent afterward may or may not occur, but the speeding ticket and the possible increase in your insurance are a natural consequence that you have to deal with.
Slacking off in school also has natural consequences, bad grades. There is only so much a parent can do to get their child to apply themselves in school and do their homework and sometimes waiting for the grades to represent their actions, using the natural consequence, is the best choice.
While there are many other forms of natural consequence that can occur, I am going to cut that part of this article short as, sadly, this is my last article. I start college classes this Wednesday, September 7th. I move in on the third and I am so incredibly excited to be starting on this new journey in my life. My run here at PeKu was a wonderful and long run, but it has come to a close. I am so grateful that I was given the opportunity to work here for so many years, and I have cherished every moment of it. However, it is time for me to move on and head into the next chapter of my life. Wish me luck in my new endeavors and best of luck to all the parents out there who have come to me for guidance with their teens.