As a parent of a tween, you may fondly recall the younger years when your child was excited to learn. Whether it was counting the stairs as you headed to bed or searching for a certain color in a grocery aisle, your little one was proud to show her knowledge. Now as a 10-12 year old, your darling is glad to proclaim, “It’s summer! No schoolwork for over 2 months!”
While it’s true that the kids are on summer break, it doesn’t mean that all learning should end. It also shouldn’t become a battle zone as you try to coerce your tween into learning. Although it may not be as easy as days of yore, there are ways to incorporate learning.
First, reading should be a component of your child’s day, all year long. If your child doesn’t seek out books on his own, find ways to make that happen. You could choose a chapter book to read together every day. Is he not a fan of chapter books? Check out graphic novels, comic books, or magazines. Who cares what he’s reading, as long as he’s reading?
Second, there are many sneaky ways to incorporate math into the day. When you go to get an ice cream, have your tween estimate what the bill will be (before tax). Ask what the change should be after the total is given. Do some cooking together and half or double a recipe. Ask your tween to figure out what the new ingredient measurements will be.
Third, do some fun experiments at home. I don’t know many tweens that can resist science when there’s a fun, hands-on piece to it. Search online teaching resources for simple ideas. Of course, every kid loves the homemade volcano, but there are plenty of other fun, simple, and inexpensive experiments to try.
Fourth, be active but add a research piece to it. There are a couple options for this. You could take a hike and take pictures of plants or animals that you see but can’t identify. After the hike, head to your library or go online to find answers. Be sure to read about the plant or animal to learn more. Another option would be to research a place you want to hike to learn what plants and animals you might discover. Print out an info sheet to bring on the hike.
Fifth, start writing letters. Yes, I mean actual pen and paper letters. Whether you find a penpal for your daughter or choose family and friends doesn’t matter. Set a goal of a letter a week, and be sure that you write one also. Odds are that your daughter will receive mail in return. Who doesn’t love getting mail?
This is just a short list of ways to keep your tween learning this summer. As long as you package it as fun, as opposed to learning time, things should go well. Please share any of your suggestions in the comments.