My husband and I are taking three-feet-of-fun to Oceanside, California, for a week of fun in the sun. We’re really looking forward to the vacation except the fact that we’re driving down there. For those of you who’ve never gone on a long distance road trip with a young child, consider yourselves very lucky. This will be our second road trip, and we’re much better prepared this time. This is what we’ve learned.
Take lots of breaks. Don’t try to squeeze the entire drive in the shortest amount of time possible. Take your time getting there, making lots of stops to let the little one run off some energy. Trust me this will make you and your child a lot happier.
Sleeping. If you can, schedule the bulk of the driving during your child’s naptime. That way you can put some miles behind you without wearing out the child’s patience. I heartily recommend night driving if it’s possible.
Food and drink. Make sure that you have lots of finger foods on hand for snacks. There’s nothing worse than being stuck on a long stretch of freeway with nothing in sight when the little one decides he’s hungry. Be prepared. Foods like Cheerios, grapes, graham crackers, or carrot sticks give the munchkin something to do with his hands as well as satiate his hunger.
Toys. Make sure you bring enough toys, books, puzzles, and activity books to keep your child entertained for hours in the car. Nothing brings on fussiness like boredom. Nip it in the bud by being prepared.
With the cost of gas, what was once a cheap way to travel is now expensive, but after having priced airfares, I’ll pay four bucks a gallon. Follow these road-trip-with-a-munchkin rules so you’ll only feel the pain in your wallet and not in your head.

[…] more road trip advice, read “Little Ones and Road Trips”. Share and […]