When high school came around for me, I became exponentially busier. I’ve began to play high school sports and have received much heavier homework loads, which can be a burden. Now, I am also considering a job, so that leaves a lot on my plate.
First of all, when dealing with a schedule, you must prioritize. In my opinion, school and homework come first, followed by sports, with friends and clubs coming in last. Now, that is no disrespect to my friends, but my friends are largely on my sports teams, making that easier. With these priorities in mind, you can put together a schedule.
But, Jacob, you forgot a job. I know, jobs are a personal opinion. To me, they are last or second to last in priorities. They are important, but not necessary for most teens. A job, such as an internship, is a good idea and looks good to colleges (or better than Walmart, anyway).
Next, look into how much time you waste. As the phrase goes, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Think about the last time you used the computer. You probably worked, went on Facebook, YouTube, Google, and much more too. All while “working.” According to comScore, 5.5 percent of all time spent online in the U.S. during the month of November was spent on Facebook. So, when you think about your life, think of all the time you aren’t working.
Finally, always add some back-up time. If your schedule is too rigid, you’re screwed. You won’t be able to deal with small mistakes that will ripple down the line and cause major problems to your schedule. Some people don’t like to schedule their lives, but I feel it is very valuable. Maybe it’s because I think that way, but it works for me. Lacking a schedule would throw my life off course.
As a teen, scheduling your life allows you to put it to the max. Just don’t stretch it too far.

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