Adults don’t have the monopoly on stress. For many teenagers, life can be full of stressful situations. After all, there are exams to think about; they might be trying to hold down a part-time job. Peer pressure, learning to cope with romantic relationships for the first time, bullying, problems with money, self-confidence and a wealth of other things are all common causes of stress for your teen. You can help by recognizing the signs and helping your teen to find healthy ways to deal with it. How can you do this effectively?
Symptoms of Stress in a Teenager
There are signs that could indicate your teenager is stressed about something. If you suspect you’ve got a teenager in your family who is suffering with stress, there are a number of things you can do to help them manage it. However, to first spot it, signs and symptoms to look out for include:
How to Help a Stressed Teenager
If you spot the following signs in your teen, what can you do to help them cope with the situation?
One of the most important things to remember is that you can’t solve their problems. Of course, you’re going to want to! What parent wouldn’t? Instead, work together to find ways to tackle stressful situations, but encourage them to come up with ideas of their own to learn valuable coping mechanisms.
Physical Activity is a Great Stress Buster
Whether you’re an adult or a teenager, physical activity is going to make you feel better. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a specific form of exercise. After all, not everyone will enjoy running around the block or pounding the treadmill. The activity should be something your teenager will enjoy doing, such as skateboarding, hiking, yoga or swimming. It doesn’t have to be something they do on their own either. Tag along or encourage them to take a friend.
It can be difficult for a teenager to open up and talk about how they are feeling. However,don’t forget that there are many other parents in the same position as you. Reach out to support groups, ask other parents or talk to your teenager’s teacher. When everyone works together, it will be easier for you and your teenager to make healthy choices and better manage their stress.
Brought to you by our friend, Carol.