The temptation to have a gun in the house is greater than ever. With the tragedy of Sandy Hook Elementary still looming, your tween’s safety has moved to the forefront. Thus, the urge to get protection is strong. But as parents, it is up to us to instill a responsible attitude toward guns in our tweens. You can do so by following this tips for gun safety around tweens.
Take a Gun Safety Class
Parents need to know how to handle their own guns safely. Taking a class is key to helping your tween. You have to know the difference between when your gun is loaded and unloaded. This could be the difference between life and death. Make sure that you know how to your handle your own gun before you bring it into your home.
Enroll Your Tween in a Safety Class
Gun safety classes are available for tweens. This is a class they need to take if you intend to have a gun at home. You can find a local class for tweens through either the police department or the National Rifle Association. The class teaches responsibility along with safe handling of guns. Its curriculum emphasizes safety. If you don’t have a gun safety course in your area, you can contact your local police department to instruct your tween on safety.
Find an Unknown Hiding Place
Tweens probably know all of your hiding places by now. So, it is time to come up with a new one. If your tween has found something from that spot before, they will find it again. Use your cleverness and creativity to come up with a new non-obtrusive place. Remember to keep the key separated from the gun lock box. Keep it locked up.
Establish the Rules
Make certain your Tween knows the rules around guns. Always follow through if they violate the rules. Depending on their responsibility level, you may want to wait on stashing a gun in the house. Some tweens will not be responsible enough to keep their hands off.
Discuss Social Problems
When a social situation turns into an issue, there is this temptation for tweens to show their hand with mommy or daddy’s weapon. The best way to offset this is to open up lines of communication with your tween. Be aware of their friends, their online friends and any problems at school. If they are having lots of issues, it is best to move the gun out of the home until the situation stabilizes. Make sure you get them the counseling they need to resolve their problems.
Yes, the second Amendment of the Constitution gives the right to bear arms. But when you own a gun, responsibility about that gun is your number one priority. Teach your tweens how to stay safe around them. However, if you have any question about their maturity and responsibility around guns, then consider just not having one in your home.