As a teen or kid, having and getting together with friends is very important and crucial to growing up properly.
There are many benefits to having kids get together with friends. First of all, this helps kids build social skill that they will need throughout life. Secondly, friends are fun, and life should be a fun experience. Finally, well…friends are friends. Period.
Now, to get together with friends, you have to make them. The making of friends should start at age three or four. Before that, children play next to each other, not with each other. Once they begin playing together on a regular basis as preschoolers, kids are more likely to make regular friends. Keep in mind that who your child considers to be a “friend” will likely change very often until he or she gets older. Eventually, as teen, kids will hang out several times a week with one or more of a group of friends.
Now, some kids have trouble making friends. Some are just shy or quiet, while others have more serious problems. Some kids are overly aggressive, bossy, and the likes, while some may have selective mutism (talks only to his or her family). To help them, talk to other parents, and make plans with kids he or she likes. Don’t push him or her, though, as he/she may be frightened.
Now, onto getting together with friends. At my age, this can be very spur of the moment, but for younger kids, less so. In the case of younger kids, the parents probably should coordinate, so it will go more smoothly. After school is a good time to play, as are weekends (other plans permitting). When kids get older (twelve), letting them plan is good, as they need to learn how to do so. At this age, sleepovers will be common, as will be going to places like the movies, haunted houses, and more. Expect some randomness, too, as a hangout may turn into a trip to the movies or a sleepover.
On a final note, don’t expect your child always to want to hang out with his or her family, because friends are important!
Your child is growing up, so let there be friends!

[…] week, our teen’s perspective writer shared his thoughts on teens spending time with friends. To learn more about his opinion, visit our parenting web site, Your Parenting […]