It’s all about the family. Bringing and keeping the family together is one of the highest and best endeavors to which a human being can aspire. One simple but essential facet of family togetherness is the forging and keeping of family traditions.
Family traditions come in all sizes, from elaborate annual gatherings involving distant relations to daily prayer time with just a parent and a child joining together. Each type of tradition has its own merits and usefulness. As far as I’m concerned, when it comes to a family tradition the simple things really are the best.
One of my favorite traditions is Cinnamon Roll Saturday. Every Saturday morning our children pile into our bed, where much wrestling and tickling ensues until either my wife or I drag ourselves into the kitchen to start the cinnamon rolls. Eight to ten minutes of additional tickling, wrestling, and general smack-down follow until the sound of the oven timer signals the end of the preliminary festivities.
It started as a whole series of weekly themed meals. We tried Meatless Monday. The carnivore in me chafed against that one until it went away quietly. Taco Tuesday was fun for awhile, but we got tired of that before long. Wacky Wednesday never really amounted to anything, and the non-alliterative Leftover Thursday was not a fan favorite. The sole survivor of the themed meals was Cinnamon Roll Saturday, interestingly enough, the only tradition that involved a strong possibility of a serious pillow fight as well as a meal.
Whether your tradition centers around a meal, a sport, a faith-based observance, or whatever else you may choose, find something that everyone enjoys and can look forward to on a regular schedule. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive; I think we spend $2.29 a week on a tube of Pillsbury cinnamon rolls. The important thing is that you make the most of the time together. These simple moments will be a source of joy for many years to come, and may inspire your children to create traditions of their own for the next generation.

This is a great idea for kids to look forward to.