Teens — and adults — first thoughts on fitness and entertainment may be that the two are mutually exclusive. Unless, maybe, you listen to music while running . . . no, wait, that’s not safe. But there are plenty of things you can do to keep yourself entertained while getting your body into better condition. Here are a few.
Choose an activity that leaves your hands free. For example, a minicycle or table bike (a set of pedals only) lets you sit in a chair and read while strengthening your leg muscles and joints. Books and e-readers are good for this; laptops and newspapers, not so much. Also, you’ll want to add some other exercise to your routine, since this targets only the lower body.
Walk with a friend. As Kailynn says on Girlshealth.gov, “I know it sounds like it is not exercise but actually it is. We walk around the mall and our streets, or ride our bikes.” For more ways real girls make exercise fun, check out this page.
Get something else accomplished while you exercise. This may not be exactly entertaining but it will make you feel good. For example, take part in a walkathon to raise money for a cause you believe in (and while you’re at it, find out if this counts for any service hours you need). Learn to defend yourself with martial arts. This idea also comes from Girlshealth.gov, which also has a much simpler one: Walk or bike to school, or wherever else you need to go.
If you’re stuck indoors, make the best of it. It’ll probably be awhile before the average teen can afford IMAXshift, which lets you experience environments like Hawaii and outer space as you’re riding a stationary bike in your local gym — but meanwhile, there are free indoor cycling videos on YouTube. Or you can take a walk around the mall, as long as you don’t let window shopping slow you down too much.
Team sports, which may seem like an obvious choice, are not necessarily fun for everyone, which is why I didn’t mention them at the beginning. But if you like them, go for it, even if you’ve been out of practice for awhile. They have an edge over solitary activities — there are other people around to keep you motivated. Of course, the same is true of walking, running, or biking with a friend.
Having a little fun while you stay fit can only bring you back for more.