I guess it is quite safe to say that the majority of those who are in the process of entering marriage have a vision of the kind of family they want to build–their dream family. Some have a clear plan on how to go about making that dream family a reality; others do not have exact plans in mind but are confident that they will just learn how to do it along the way. There are various reasons why people marry, but the most common and most ideal reason is love. The love that two people share in marriage becomes more beautiful each year as they work together to create their dream family. But it is easier said than done, that is why it is always good to have a plan. I am no expert in this field because I am still in the process of building my dream family with my wife, but I can share some tips on how to start creating that dream family.
When starting, it is good to have a very clear vision of the kind of family you want to have. You and your partner must be able to define the successful and happy family. Your definition may differ from other couple’s definitions but that’s okay because no two couples are exactly alike.
The kind of parenting that you’ll have should be very clear from the start because couples need to work as a team in molding their children into the kind of persons they want them to become. It is also good for you and your partner to know exactly what experiences from childhood you want to bring or not to bring into your parenting. This is very important because this will help you tone your parenting style and give it healthy elasticity.
The process of creating your dream family is not a task, it is something that you and your partner should enjoy to the fullest, that is the very essence of having a family.