Organic has been trending these days especially when we talk about fruits and vegetables – but what about milk? There are several reasons that concerns us about buying milk for our youngsters, and believe me children go through a lot of milk per day. We have to consider the cost, how long it lasts, the nutrition benefits, and the way cows are nurtured. Now, did we really worry about the cow years back? Today, there is concern about their livelihood and conditions, which in turn makes a difference between conventional and organic milk. Here is some information that will help you to become an educated consumer.
Organic milk has fatty acids that are balanced. It contains a higher level of omega-3 fatty acids with less omega-6 than conventional milk. This balance is healthy and helps to reduce the chances of developing heart disease and other health maladies. Both types of fatty acids are needed in the body and one is not necessarily better than the other, but the proper balance is important. Here in the USA, we tend to eat more processed foods that sometimes puts more omega-6 in our bodies, hence the push toward drinking organic milk.
Organic dairy cows must spend a large amount of time outdoors in the sunshine eating grass and green plants. This provides the extra omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy. These dairy farmers also have regulations for the grains they feed to their cows, especially without chemicals. The cow’s living conditions are also factored in.
On the other hand, dairy cows that render non-organic milk are given a large diet of corn that is higher in omega-6 acids and they do not free range outdoors throughout the year. Since today’s corn is sometimes a GMO variety (genetically modified), this can be of concern to many parents. Many feeds also contain growth hormones.
Going back to organic milk, it contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) that helps improve a child’s immunity and increases muscle development (helpful for growing children today). The protein, calcium, and vitamin D contents in both kinds of milk are very similar, so the main difference lies in the fatty acids.
There are other foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids, too. If you can sneak some good fish, flax seed, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, tofu, and green veggies in your child’s diet – this can help their nutrition. The oils you use in cooking and salad dressing is important too – go for olive oil, canola, and flaxseed oils.
So, whether you decide to serve your kids conventional or switch to organic milk is your choice. The safety and purity of the two milks are the same; however, the expense is different. The bottom line is to raise healthy children by choosing good foods that contain healthier fats and a balanced ratio of the fatty acids.