When the temperature dips below zero, and the wind chill feels like minus 20 degrees outside, what can you do to keep your preschooler busy (and happy)? It takes some effort, but I learned that with a little creativity, you can make cherished memories with your young ones on the most blustery of days. Here are some ideas:
One of my favorite activities to do with my preschoolers involved taking an imaginary vacation. All I needed to do — place a wooden bench in the middle of the great room and collect a few small suitcases. Each child took a turn pretending to fly the airplane (the bench), while the others boarded the plane with the suitcases packed with essentials, including favorite blankets, toys, and even a snack. Once we arrived at the chosen location, I would describe the landscape – think rolling waves of the ocean and the gracefully swaying palm trees – and we would travel from room to room looking for imaginary surprises. You’ll be amazed at how much your child will love to take these fantasy vacations.
Another fun activity to do with your child revolves around food. I learned that children prefer to eat meals that they have had a hand in making, so I would involve them in planning and even assembling their own lunches. No, I didn’t allow them to use sharp knives, but they certainly enjoyed washing fruit and counting out bread slices. Even the simple task of learning how to pour from a small pitcher into a sippy cup provided hours of fun. One thing to remember, however, is to set your child up to succeed and not to fail…give only age appropriate tasks. If you do this, you can watch your little “cook” beam with pride.
In addition to using our imaginations and cooking, my children and I spent a lot of time dancing on days that were too cold to venture outside. Of course we even have videos of some of these dance parties! If you would like to try this activity, it doesn’t matter what type of music you play, just make sure to pick something with a fast tempo that literally makes a body want to move. After dancing some fast songs, choose one that will allow your child to cool down, as well as to focus on graceful movement. Finally, don’t be shy about dancing with your child; he or she will have the best time seeing you get your groove on too!
A final cold weather activity my kids used to love – playing in the kitchen sink with dolls and water. I know, you’re thinking that’s a mess waiting to happen; however, this activity worked well when I had to cook. Sure, the counters, the kids, and the floors got a little wet, but the conversations we had were priceless.
So this winter, don’t let the cold keep you from having fun and making memories with your preschooler; explore activities you can do together inside the house.