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Christmas Shopping on a Short Budget

by Sam P. | December 21st, 2012 | Teen Perspective, Teens

As a teenager without a full time substantial job, making money is difficult and my income is not reliable.  But as it is the holiday season, I do still have to give presents.  I also think that the best gifts are ones from the heart that you make yourself.  Making gifts yourself is one of the best things to do if you are on a budget.  There are so many things you can do, too!  I always love designing coffee cups at a pottery place or making scrapbooks for people.  If the person you are giving to loves to cook your could hand write some recipes for them.  If they are short on time, but still love baking, you could make your own cookie mix by filling a jar with all the dry ingredients pre-measured out to save them time.  There are so many things to make, you just have to think.

  1. If they like gardening, you could paint and design some flat rocks with all the plant names on them to help organize the garden.
  2. Design a coffee mug and fill it with specialty coffee or herbal tea bags.  You don’t even need to go to a pottery place, buy a cheap white mug and decorate it with permanent markers.
  3. Buy a large mason jar and fill it with their favorite nut and decorate the jar.
  4. Homemade pastries with the recipes included.
  5. A basket filled with homemade jams.
  6. A pretty jar filled with their favorite candies.
  7. A homemade address book.
  8. A hand designed photo album.
  9. Framed artwork.  (Only works if you are artistic.)
  10. If you can sew well, you can embroider hand towels.

That’s just a short list of ideas — trust me, I have thousands more.  Hopefully this will help your creative juices start flowing if you want to create some things of your own.  If you have any other great ideas, feel free to comment them below!  Happy holidays. 🙂

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