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3 New Tips for Tween School Success

by Lori Sciame February 3rd, 2025| School, Tweens

Being born smart certainly helps a tween to succeed in a learning environment, and so does being curious about the world around him or her. It's a given that an engaged student, one who loves learning, will be more apt to


Parent-Teacher Conferences: Basic Guidelines

by YPI Editors November 18th, 2024| Elementary, Preschool, School, School, School, School, Teens, Tweens

As November begins, many students are finishing the first quarter of the school year. With this demarcation usually comes parent-teacher conferences. As a parent and a former teacher, I have to admit that these conferences can be stressful for both sides


Parent-Teacher Conferences: Work as a Team

by YPI Editors November 20th, 2023| Elementary, Preschool, School, School, School, School, Teens, Tweens

It's the day of parent-teacher conferences. You arrive a few minutes early and are waiting in the hallway for your turn. You enter the room calm and ready to chat. (If you didn't do both of these things, be sure to

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Not Too Early to Think About College

by Lori Sciame November 28th, 2022| School, Tweens

As an advisor at a college, I encounter some students who tackle the transition from high school to college with relative ease, as well as those who suffer a multitude of issues, from social to academic.



Getting Your Tween Prepped for the School Year

by Michele August 4th, 2016| School, Tweens
Depending on where you live, your tween could be starting school in the next week or maybe not for another month. Either way she's been on summer vacation for over a month. She probably is revelling in the no homework, sleep late, lounge on the couch nature of summer. It

Make Summer Learning Fun for Tweens

by Michele June 30th, 2016| School, Tweens
As a parent of a tween, you may fondly recall the younger years when your child was excited to learn. Whether it was counting the stairs as you headed to bed or searching for a certain color in a grocery aisle, your little one was proud to show her knowledge.

As Summer Draws Near

by Michele May 12th, 2016| School, Tweens
For students who get a traditional summer break, the school year is coming to an end. As a former teacher, I can assure you that the excitement is prominent on both sides of the equation. There's something gratifying in seeing all of the growth that has been accomplished during the
online grading

Online Grading Systems & Tweens

by Michele March 10th, 2016| School, Tweens
Most public school systems in America utilize online grading systems for their students. These software tools allow teachers to keep track of grades and give parents and students the ability to view grades before progress reports or report cards are issued. These grading systems most definitely are helpful to all.

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Keeping Your Tween on Track in School

by Kimberly Hays January 7th, 2016| School, Tweens
Your tween has been in school for a few months now, and they’ve enjoyed the holidays, and now it’s time to get back on a regular schedule. The middle of the school year is usually when kids hit a slump and lose their excitement about the school year and just
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The Most Valuable Lesson of All

by Gary Hays November 26th, 2015| School, Tweens
The transition from elementary school to middle school is a big step for any child. Gone are the days spent in one single classroom, and there is no more recess on the playground. The transition represents a very important growth step in the normal maturing process. At first, as
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4 Great Tween Summer Reads

by Jessica B. July 2nd, 2015| School, Tweens
As school ended for summer, now is a great time to get your tween to the bookstore to stock up on great summer reads. Thanks to great quality YA literature, like the works of John Green and Suzanne Collins, tweens can be eager readers. Summer is a great chance
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How to End the School Year on a Positive Note

by Lori Sciame April 23rd, 2015| School, Tweens
The end of the school year looms on the horizon. Your tween has taken dozens of tests, completed scores of homework assignments, and read lots of school related material. And you, the parent, have packed a ton of lunches, written countless notes, and attended a myriad of school events.
