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Archives for Teen Perspective

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Teen’s Perspective on Reading

by Sam P. March 17th, 2025| Teen Perspective, Teens

I love reading. Honestly, I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't enjoy reading. My favorite thing about reading is that you can choose the minute details. You get to picture exactly how

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How to Tell Someone You Want to Exchange a Gift

by Sam P. December 2nd, 2024| Communication, Teen Perspective, Teens

Christmas is a wonderful time of family gatherings and gift giving, but what do you do when the present your dear grandmother gave you is a sweater you can never imagine yourself wearing? You don't want to hurt her feelings,

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Teen’s Perspective on Fall Entertainment

by Sam P. October 28th, 2024| Teen Perspective, Teens

Apple picking! I love apple picking. Not only is it cheap and fun, but it is exciting for all groups and ages. It is great for all sorts of things, from a fun date to a group activity; everyone will love

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Teen’s Perspective on Team Sports

by Sam P. August 8th, 2023| Teen Perspective, Teens
Team sports are so important, especially in middle school and high school.  It allows your child to become more social and learn how to work together with people.  Team sports also teach your child how to take the blame when something is their fault, but also to learn that
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How to Have a Job and a Car While You’re in School

by Sam P. November 30th, 2020| Teen Perspective, Teens
Being a teenager without funding can be quite a difficult task. For starters, if your parents make you pay for your car, gas, insurance, and so on and so forth if you don't have a job you don't have a car. Many of my friends have cars and jobs

Teen’s Perspective on Halloween

by Sam P. October 16th, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens

I love Halloween.  I always have.  As a little kid, it was the excitement of trick or treating and now it still is.  (Don't worry, I stopped my sophomore year.)  There are often football games or dances or parties to attend and it is always so much

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Teen’s Perspective on Libraries

by Sam P. September 18th, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens

Libraries are great.  I practically live at my local library.  Not only do I volunteer there over the summer, when I have time, I use it quite a lot.  Of course, you can get books at your local library, but there is so

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Texting and Driving from the Teen’s View

by Sam P. August 21st, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens
I will admit right now that the urge to use your phone while driving is strong.  Especially if you're making an hour long trip alone.  In an age that relies on technology so much, being without your phone really can be one of the worst things ever.  But believe
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Teen’s Perspective on Communication with Parents

by Sam P. July 24th, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens

As teens, we often may end up talking at our parents instead of to them, especially when we do not get what we want.  Believe me, this is never the way to go.  Effective communication is just as much about, if not more,

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Teen’s Perspective on Vacations

by Sam P. June 12th, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens

As your kids get older vacations become harder and harder.  Between conflicting schedules and cranky teens, they seem almost unenjoyable at this point.  But fear not, vacations are not just some idea of the past, they can still be fun and family filled

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Teen’s Perspective on Difficult Friends

by Sam P. May 1st, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens
We all have that one friend that never gets the hint. Whether they are just way too over the top in public, or don't understand that not everyone has that much money to spend, we all have that one friend who is just oblivious to everything.  Of course, despite

Teen’s Perspective on Chewing Gum in School

by Sam P. April 3rd, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens
I 100% approve of chewing gum in school.  Perhaps not in elementary school or middle school, but in high school it is certainly a good idea.  In middle school and elementary school there was always the issues of getting gum on the floor and having it ground into the
