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Archives for Teens

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Teens in Summer School: The Challenge

by Jane Wangersky August 14th, 2015| School, Teens
Summer school doesn’t exactly mean school in summer -- fortunately. High school students need a break from their nearly year-round routine, and even if they have academic goals for summer break, the ground rules are different. Here are a few things our family’s learned from taking part in summer
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Summer With Your Special Needs Teen

by Jane Wangersky July 31st, 2015| Special Needs, Teens
It’s hard enough trying to help a teen have a good summer, but when your teen is special needs, you may feel you don’t have even the options that parents of typical teens have. Your son or daughter may not have many friends, enjoy sports or other popular summer
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Teen’s Perspective on Communication with Parents

by Sam P. July 24th, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens

As teens, we often may end up talking at our parents instead of to them, especially when we do not get what we want.  Believe me, this is never the way to go.  Effective communication is just as much about, if not more,

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Entertainment’s Impact on Teen Smoking

by Jane Wangersky July 17th, 2015| Entertainment, Teens
Though only 8% of teens in the U.S. smoke -- according to truth®, a national youth smoking prevention campaign -- that still means two million kids alive today will die prematurely from diseases caused by smoking, says the Center for Disease Control. Obviously, teen smoking
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Teen’s Perspective on Sun Protection

by Sam P. July 10th, 2015| Safety, Teens

We all want that perfect summer tan, but we don't want to burn.  So many girls opt to go tanning in booths instead of being patient and letting the sun do its thing.  This is not how to get the perfect golden tan. 

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Special Needs Teens and the Police: Being Prepared

by Jane Wangersky July 3rd, 2015| Special Needs, Teens
Recently a disturbing story about a middle school student with autism made the news -- an 11-year-old boy ended up with a felony on his record after pushing a police officer who was trying to take him to his principal’s office. If that can happen to a pre-teen, parents
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Would You Test Your Teen for Drugs?

by Jane Wangersky June 19th, 2015| Behavior, Teens
A company in Florida is marketing a home drug test kit and strongly advising parents to use it for random drug testing on their teens. Actually, it advises them to start testing their kids around age 12, before experimenting with drugs typically starts. Is this something that’s going to
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Teen’s Perspective on Vacations

by Sam P. June 12th, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens

As your kids get older vacations become harder and harder.  Between conflicting schedules and cranky teens, they seem almost unenjoyable at this point.  But fear not, vacations are not just some idea of the past, they can still be fun and family filled

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Special Schools for Special Needs Teens?

by Jane Wangersky June 5th, 2015| Special Needs, Teens
“Does he go to a special school?”

I would occasionally get that question about my son, the one who’s “on the spectrum” -- the autism spectrum. While he was elementary age, I thought people who asked it were uninformed, to put it politely. Everyone knew that special needs students were
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Teen’s Perspective on The Office

by Sam P. May 29th, 2015| Entertainment, Teens
I love The Office.  I have seen, literally, every episode.  I think I have watched every season about three times by now.  I am dead serious; when I finally got Netflix, for those of you don't have it, I highly suggest it. It was the first show I binge
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How to Be Sure You & Your Friends Have a Hangout

by Sam P. May 15th, 2015| Social, Teens

Not only will this make sure you always have a place to hang out, it will keep you from breaking the bank.  Nowadays everything is so expensive, which is why my friends and I almost always hang out at one of our houses. 

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Teens: One More Thing Not to Do While Driving

by Jane Wangersky May 8th, 2015| Safety, Teens
Your teen probably knows better than to text, email, or dial a phone while driving, but they may not know that other activities with electronics are just as dangerous.  (You may not have known it yourself.) For example, if they have a smart watch, such as the new Apple
