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Archives for Teens

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For Teens, Music and Movies Still Reign

by Jane Wangersky November 27th, 2015| Entertainment, Teens
It can be a challenge to write about teens and entertainment. It's true I have 11 years’ uninterrupted experience of mothering teens (with the baby turning 13 just before the firstborn turned 20), but it can still be hard to tell the difference between a teen who’s having a
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Cooking with the Family

by Sam P. November 20th, 2015| Seasonal, Teens
I love cooking with my family.  I think it is such a fun experience and a great bonding opportunity.  Whether it is just baking a batch of cookies with your mom or a full course meal with your stepdad, it is always a fun and loving time.  Even if
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Getting Involved in School

by Sam P. November 6th, 2015| Social, Teens
So fall is coming to an end and we are nearly a fourth to a third of the way through the school year. (Yay!)  This means that most people have fallen into their social categories and cliques.  We all have our friend groups that we love and cherish, but
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Teen’s Perspective on College Application Safety

by Sam P. October 30th, 2015| School, Teens
It is that time of year.  We, seniors, are applying to college, if we have not already, and it is quite nerve wracking.  College applications (both undergrad and graduate) are a stressful thing, so it is always good to be prepared for what lies ahead.  From how many schools
hair and eye

: Common Contact Lens Complications (& How to Avoid Them)

by Editorial Team October 22nd, 2015| Teens
Wearing contact lenses isn’t as straightforward as it may seem. When you buy contacts from online retailers like Lens.com, there are precautions you will need to take in order to keep your eyes healthy. Following a daily cleaning regimen and using the contact solution recommended by your eye

Teen’s Perspective on Halloween

by Sam P. October 16th, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens

I love Halloween.  I always have.  As a little kid, it was the excitement of trick or treating and now it still is.  (Don't worry, I stopped my sophomore year.)  There are often football games or dances or parties to attend and it is always so much


Science of Parenthood: An Unscientific Review

by Jane Wangersky September 25th, 2015| Product reviews, Teens
This is a book for times when you’re feeling a little (or more than a little) cynical about parenthood, and you’re looking to get a couple laughs out of it, because deriving any other benefits seems out of reach. You could say it’s a quick read -- despite its
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Teen’s Perspective on Libraries

by Sam P. September 18th, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens

Libraries are great.  I practically live at my local library.  Not only do I volunteer there over the summer, when I have time, I use it quite a lot.  Of course, you can get books at your local library, but there is so

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Teens, Trends, and Back to School: The Good News

by Jane Wangersky September 11th, 2015| Social, Teens
Although schoolwork is the number one worry for teens going back to school (according to a survey by the Nemours Foundation), social issues and appearance come in a close second and third. For teens, the two are closely connected, often more than they should be. Sadly, a
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Planning Without Pressure for Special Needs Teens

by Jane Wangersky August 28th, 2015| Special Needs, Teens
Before you know it, your teen’s new school year will be in full swing and it will be time to review their Individualized Education Program (IEP) with the school staff. If you live in the U.S., there’s a legal requirement that starts the year your child turns 16: The
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Texting and Driving from the Teen’s View

by Sam P. August 21st, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens
I will admit right now that the urge to use your phone while driving is strong.  Especially if you're making an hour long trip alone.  In an age that relies on technology so much, being without your phone really can be one of the worst things ever.  But believe
