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Archives for Teens

Coping with Teenage Acts of Rebellion

by Editorial Team August 14th, 2018| Teens
Wondering what your kids will be like when they become teenagers is something that is on the minds of most parents even when their children are infants. Of course, in many ways you hope they never do grow up, but remain as the sweet, innocent youngsters you adore so much.

Parenting Teens: How to Provide the Best Care

by Editorial Team August 1st, 2018| Teens
Throughout their teenage years, your children are discovering who they are and experiencing things and feelings for the first time, so it’s essential you are there for them during this testing period of their lives. Providing the best care involves being empathetic, willing to compromise, and setting boundaries to keep

4 Personal Ideas For Your Teenager’s Birthday Present

by Editorial Team May 24th, 2018| Teens
Parents have a lot of important responsibilities on their shoulders. From raising their children and making sure that they are living a happy and healthy life, to organizing birthday parties. Even though it can be stressful to make time for all these commitments, there is no better

Cool Decoration Ideas for Teen Rooms

by Editorial Team May 23rd, 2018| Teens
Being a teenager is tough, right? You have exams, friendships and relationships to contend with, and parents just don’t understand. Remember what it was like? That’s why it is important for teenagers to have a space they can call their own, somewhere they can retreat to and

4 Ways to Connect with Teens on Social Media

by Editorial Team May 3rd, 2018| Teens
Teenagers are big business, and be quite lucrative for many companies hoping to gain their custom. However, they’re not easily swayed, with the younger generations being more cautious when it comes to spending their money. Therefore, much like parents who have to deal with their angst-fuelled behaviors and flippant remarks,
hiking teens

Teen’s Perspective on Spring Entertainment

by Sam P. April 1st, 2018| Entertainment, Teens
With so many new addicting phone apps and TV shows (I'm looking at you, Stop) we often take for granted what has been given to us naturally for entertainment.  With spring here and summer approaching quickly we need to take advantage of the nature surrounding us and use our natural resources

Keys to Building a Successful Relationship with Your Teen

by Editorial Team February 15th, 2018| Teens
Parenting is challenging, especially when your child is in their teenage years. They’re growing and changing right before your eyes, and there’s nothing you can do to stop or slow it down. They’re trying to find their mature side, but it’s likely they’re not quite there yet.

This can be cause

How to Ensure Your Teenager Is Happy and Healthy

by Editorial Team February 8th, 2018| Teens
No matter how old your child is, it is natural that you will always worry about them. Whether they are a baby learning to crawl or a teenager learning to drive, your parental instincts are sure to kick in. Although this is an incredible thing, you need to make sure

5 Ways Parents Can Help Support Their Child’s Wedding

by Editorial Team December 22nd, 2017| Teens
The millennial generation is a generation at conflict. They do not have the disposable income that the previous generations have had, due in part to stagnant wage increases and rising living costs. It can be incredibly hard to save up for your first place under these conditions, much less find

A Look Inside a Teenager’s Room

by Editorial Team December 18th, 2017| Social, Teens
I remember my bedroom as a teenager very well. I collected magazines for months, cut out only the choicest pictures, and covered every inch of every wall! The placement of these pictures was not random, it had a cohesive flow, and told a story with everything from Lost in

How Your Kids Can Stay Safe at Their First Concert

by Editorial Team November 22nd, 2017| Teens
If you have older children, they will eventually want to explore the world and have life experiences on their own, without their parents. One of those experiences may be, for example, going to see their favorite band or going to a festival. Festivals are becoming more popular, and they are

4 Alternative Career Paths for Teen School Leavers

by Editorial Team September 13th, 2017| Teens
A teenager can dread exam results day — it seems like their entire future is balanced precariously on a piece of paper.

And a parent naturally worries if either their teens’ results are disappointing or are better than expected yet they don’t want to go straight to university.

But there are more
