Getting a teen to live a healthy lifestyle is one more of those things that take a village. It takes more than just parents, anyway -- though your example is a strong influence, your teen is likely too intent on becoming an independent person to let that show. (That’s why
My son, having his first block of the day free, managed not to have to go to the school assembly on cyberbullying. But he came home repeating the negative comments of students who had been there: It was all about “the problem, but no solutionsâ€
My personal opinion on summer work is that we shouldn't have it, but alas, we do. I think that it is unfair for teachers to give us work to do over the summer while they don't do anything, but we do, so there isn't
Being a teenager without funding can be quite a difficult task. For starters, if your parents make you pay for your car, gas, insurance, and so on and so forth if you don't have a job you don't have a car. Many of my friends have cars and jobs
When your children transform into teenagers parenting becomes a totally different ball game. Your children are going to develop their own thoughts and opinions and will begin to challenge yours. This can be a difficult period for parents, as they try to navigate protecting
Decorating a teenager’s room can be a challenge because they can be both fussy about what they want, and protective of their space. Your ideas as to what makes a good bedroom are probably some way off what your teen would want, so rather than
One of the most fun and also confusing times in a child’s life is their teenage years. It’s a mix between trying to gain some independence and also figuring out who you are as a person.
Everyone knows it’s a challenging stage, one which takes true willpower and perseverance to get
As your children grow up, you may start to see that they become more aware of their social surroundings and of their peers. As they enter their teenage years, the need to be accepted by their peer's increases while their dependence upon their parents becomes less so. However, while many
Having children changes the dynamic of your life. You have many more responsibilities and you often find that you end up taking a trip down memory lane and revisiting things from your childhood. One of the things that you’re likely to revisit is homework. In these moments, you may find
Your teen is inching ever closer to adulthood; how, as a parent, do you show pride and encourage him? For many parents, these years are divided into distinct camps- over-saturation and negligible. Like most things in life the answer is somewhere between the two.
Over-saturation: These are the parents that praise
When your child is hospitalized, it can feel like the world has ended. Your children are supposed to be invincible. They are supposed to be young and lively and healthy, and most of all they are supposed to outlive you. That’s why, whether your child is in the hospital because
Adults don’t have the monopoly on stress. For many teenagers, life can be full of stressful situations. After all, there are exams to think about; they might be trying to hold down a part-time job. Peer pressure, learning to cope with romantic relationships for the first time, bullying, problems with