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Archives for Teens

Sports Injuries

by Jacob P. October 21st, 2011| Teen Perspective, Teens
As most of the people who read my articles presumably know, I am a high school athlete.  Currently, I am in the middle of football season.  In the winter, I wrestle and in the spring I run track.  This means that I am constantly seeing fellow athletes get hurt


by Sam P. October 17th, 2011| Teen Perspective
All right, listen up teens and tweens, because here is some good advice on having a safe, but fun, Halloween.

First off, I want to say that once you hit 14 or 15, you shouldn't be trick or treating anymore.  Once you hit that age, you are in high school,

Teen’s Perspective on Facebook

by Sam P. October 12th, 2011| Teen Perspective, Teens
Facebook -- everybody has it, but do you really need it?  I could see arguing for both sides, so I will.

Facebook is completely unnecessary.  You see your friends all day long at school;  if you want to talk to them you can call them or text them or go

Understanding Your Teen

by Lori Sciame October 10th, 2011| Teens
As an English teacher at a local college, I meet hundreds of teens each school year. This experience has helped me to better understand what is important to this age group. I've taken what I've learned to help me communicate with my own teens more effectively.

Parents need to know

Swearing: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. October 5th, 2011| Teen Perspective
These days, if you turn the radio on, you are bound to find a song laced with profanity.  Swearing is just a fact of life in modern times.  It always has been, but like many other things, we are loosening our grasp on what is "bad."  Children are learning

On Playing Games: Teen Perspective

by Louise September 29th, 2011| Teen Perspective
Playing games isn't just an activity for children; that's an important message to send to your kids. The best way to do this is to find a game that you genuinely enjoy and can play with your kids.

My dad loves to play bridge, but it is far too complicated

Medicine: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. September 22nd, 2011| Teen Perspective
A recent study based on data reported to the American Association of Poison Control Centers between 2001 and 2008 supplied some interesting news.  The study stated that accidental medication poisonings increased 22% among children 5 and under.  This is definitely not good news, but it is also in no

Embracing Change

by Lori Sciame September 21st, 2011| Teens
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

-- Anatole France

Ninth grade...the freshman class. Remember when you went from being the "top dog" in eighth

First Middle School Dance

by Sam P. September 19th, 2011| Teen Perspective, Teens
Now that school has started and we are back in the swing of things, it's time for the dances.  My middle school is 5th grade through 8th, but the 5th graders aren't allowed to go to the dances.  So once you get into 6th grade you feel different, almost

Teen’s Perspective : Going Back to Homework

by Sam P. September 12th, 2011| Teen Perspective, Teens
It's 6 p.m., you just got back from football and you have tons of homework to do, but you just don't feel like doing it. Your bedtime is 10 p.m., you still have to eat and shower too.  Time ticks by and suddenly it's 9:30 and that essay that

Alcohol: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. September 5th, 2011| Teen Perspective, Teens
I have never drunk alcohol, with the exception of communion wine.  As a high school sophomore, that makes me part of of a minority, not the majority.  According to the Federal Government, 64% of eighth graders have consumed alcohol, 81% of sophomores have, and 92% of seniors have.  This

Helping Your Teen Apply to College

by Louise September 1st, 2011| Teen Perspective
Applying to college is a stressful process, for children and parents alike. It's time-consuming and can be expensive. As a sophomore in college, I feel as though it all happened yesterday. There are really only three steps to the college application process. Unfortunately, those steps aren't so easy. In
