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Archives for Teens

navel pierced

Teen’s Perspective on Piercings

by Sam P. July 18th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
Body piercings are becoming more and more popular as time goes on.   Many people have ear, nose, lip, eyebrow, belly button, or even hip piercings.  I myself have my ears pierced, and would like to get my belly button pierced.  In pop culture many sorts of piercings are
summer beach

Following the Rules

by Sam P. July 10th, 2013| Behavior, Teen Perspective
On Friday, my mom let me go to the beach with my friend.  This was a first since there were no parents going with us.  My friend is 17, but I am only 15.  She was a little unsure at first, but ended up allowing me to go.  This


by Sam P. July 4th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
It's summer, and that means parties for most teenagers.  But before you go drive over to Bobby Jo's house take a second and let this sink in.  Around 1,400 teenagers die from drug overdoses each year.  Around 5,000 teenagers die from alcohol poisoning yearly.  And more than 3,000 teenagers
boy n football

Summer Sanity: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. June 26th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
As I have grown older, I have found summer less and less exciting. I find that I miss school, because school is where everything happens as a teenager.  You may not like the work at school, but that's where your friends are.  Feelings of disengagement and isolation are no

Teen Perspective on Germ-X

by Sam P. June 20th, 2013| Teen Perspective
So at school they have Germ-X dispensers all over the school and they are always pushing us to use all of them.  And don't take me the wrong way, I am a very hygienic person.  I wash my hand before and after cooking, and using the bathroom, after playing

Going Away for the Summer: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. June 11th, 2013| Social, Teen Perspective, Teens
This summer, I will spend five weeks at St. Paul's ASP, an advanced studies program for high school juniors. Out of these five weeks, I will only be able to return home for one weekend (barring extenuating circumstances), so it will be a unique experience for me. As
girl studying

Teen’s Perspective on Finals

by Sam P. June 7th, 2013| School, Teen Perspective, Teens
I am so glad that the school year is over, but the one bad thing about the end of the school year is finals.  I understand that they have to make sure that we have retained all of the information we have learned over the past year, but at
workout drink

Weightlifting and Supplements (Part 4)

by Jacob P. May 29th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
For those of you who have just started reading this series, I am discussing weightlifting supplements for teenagers.  I'm a high school varsity athlete and a year-round weightlifter.  While I greatly enjoy weightlifting,  my advice should not be used in place of that of a trained professional (doctor, trainer,
making up

Tough Choices: Recap

by Sam P. May 23rd, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
Those of you who are regular readers of my articles may remember my article on tough choices.  And I still one hundred percent stand by the decisions I made and explained to you, along with the advice I gave you.  I do, although, want to go back  and explain
drink mix

Weightlifting and Supplements (Part 3)

by Jacob P. May 15th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
Today, we venture into the world of weightlifting supplements.  In essence, they are products that make your muscles grow faster (and ultimately bigger).  Now, that's immediately associated with steroids, but there is much more out there.  In fact, there are multiple different categories of supplements.  Today, we 'll look
pulling alarm

Teen’s Perspective on School Safety Drills

by Sam P. May 9th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
This week my school had an impromptu fire drill that none of the teachers were prepared for or warned about.   In fact nobody knew it was going to happen.  No, our school did not catch on fire.  There are two rumors going around school as to what happened, one of

Weightlifting and Supplements (Part 2)

by Jacob P. April 30th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
This is part two of my series on weightlifting and supplements.  Last time, I explained my history of weightlifting.  Today, I am going to be discussing some misconceptions and misunderstandings that many people have about weightlifting.

Before we begin, I need to remind you that I am not an expert.
