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Archives for Special Needs

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What Preschool Means to a Special Needs Child

by C. Finkbeiner August 25th, 2015| Preschool, Special Needs
When I was a child (in the early 1980’s), “preschool” was an expensive babysitter. I started school, like most children of my generation, at age 5. Only a few of my classmates had been to preschool, and you could tell exactly who they were right away. They were the
preschool boy (400x400)

Sensory Sensitivity in Special Needs Children

by C. Finkbeiner July 28th, 2015| Preschool, Special Needs
I can’t tell you how many times I almost went insane trying to understand my child. And, it wasn’t because it was a hard job caring for a child with special needs, but because I didn’t always know what his needs were. How can I fix a problem if
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Bad Behavior: Special Needs or Attention Seeking?

by C. Finkbeiner June 30th, 2015| Preschool, Special Needs
When a young child is learning to do something new and possibly challenging, they will also begin to learn how to refuse with excuse. This is usually manifested through a built up temper-tantrum full of crying, spouting of hysterical sentence fragments and possibly wild, violent body movements.

Intentional refusing begins
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Something Special About Potty Training

by C. Finkbeiner June 2nd, 2015| Preschool, Special Needs
Potty training my first child was not as picture perfect as Huggies would depict it to be in a Pull-Ups commercial. All of the doctors and other parents told me that my son would be ready to start training between 18 and 24 months, when in reality he was not
