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Archives for Social

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6 Ways to Be the Sitter Everyone Recommends

by Jane Wangersky February 10th, 2025| Social, Teens

Finding work as a babysitter depends a lot on word of mouth and the reputation you have in the community. For such a sensitive job, most parents would rather turn to a sitter recommended by someone

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5 Ways Having A Pet Helps A Teen

by Jane Wangersky May 30th, 2023| Social, Teens
When we think of pets being good for our children, we usually think of elementary age kids. After all, they’re at the age when it’s good to start learning responsibility. Teens, not so much. Your teen probably already has a fair amount of responsibilities, maybe sometimes more than they
teen soccer

3 Social Influences for Teen Health

by Jane Wangersky February 28th, 2022| Social, Teens
Getting a teen to live a healthy lifestyle is one more of those things that take a village. It takes more than just parents, anyway -- though your example is a strong influence, your teen is likely too intent on becoming an independent person to let that show. (That’s why

A Look Inside a Teenager’s Room

by Editorial Team December 18th, 2017| Social, Teens
I remember my bedroom as a teenager very well. I collected magazines for months, cut out only the choicest pictures, and covered every inch of every wall! The placement of these pictures was not random, it had a cohesive flow, and told a story with everything from Lost in
checking watch

Teen’s Perspective on Procrastination

by Sam P. April 15th, 2016| Social, Teens
While it is true that everyone procrastinates, it seems to be getting worse, especially within the teen society, I being no exception.  I am currently writing this article past when it was due, and while I got an extension and cannot remember the last time I turned in an article
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Teens, Technology, and the Need for a Listener

by Jane Wangersky December 11th, 2015| Social, Teens
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, psychologist and author (novels The Truth, Diary Of A Gutsy Tween and Secrets: Diary Of A Gutsy Teen, also the stage play The Locket), is addressing teen issues in a new format -- film. Her short film The Truth, now
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Getting Involved in School

by Sam P. November 6th, 2015| Social, Teens
So fall is coming to an end and we are nearly a fourth to a third of the way through the school year. (Yay!)  This means that most people have fallen into their social categories and cliques.  We all have our friend groups that we love and cherish, but
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Teens, Trends, and Back to School: The Good News

by Jane Wangersky September 11th, 2015| Social, Teens
Although schoolwork is the number one worry for teens going back to school (according to a survey by the Nemours Foundation), social issues and appearance come in a close second and third. For teens, the two are closely connected, often more than they should be. Sadly, a
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How to Be Sure You & Your Friends Have a Hangout

by Sam P. May 15th, 2015| Social, Teens

Not only will this make sure you always have a place to hang out, it will keep you from breaking the bank.  Nowadays everything is so expensive, which is why my friends and I almost always hang out at one of our houses. 

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Helping Teens See the Value in School Trips

by Jane Wangersky April 10th, 2015| Social, Teens
Your teen was probably pretty excited the first time they went on an overnight trip with a school group -- even if you were going along as a chaperone -- but after a couple of years, the novelty can wear off and teen world-weariness can set in. Staying home,
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Teens and the Lunch Table

by Jennifer S. Rowe December 5th, 2014| Social, Teens
As far as teenagers go, I find the best place to do my research is my own home. I do, in fact, have a teenager living in my midst, and yes, if I want to know anything about teen social issues, my teen son is the go-to guy. The

Not the Hop!

by Jennifer S. Rowe November 7th, 2014| Social, Teens
OK, so here it is, I volunteered at my son’s school to chaperone a dance, and all I can say is wow. There are few words to describe what I witnessed, and heard at this event, and did I mention that this was my son’s first dance?

First I will
