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Archives for Seasonal

elementary dinner

How to Make Family Dinners Awesome

by Tania Cowling March 3rd, 2025| Elementary, Seasonal

Mealtimes should be happy routines for your kids. Remember that pleasant eating experiences are just as important as nutritious foods. At this age, the kiddos are developing their food habits and attitudes - hopefully good ones, although sometimes the dinner table

board game

Bring Out the Board Games Instead of TV

by Tania Cowling April 29th, 2024| Elementary, Seasonal

Each year a national initiative aims to make turning off the television a rewarding experience. It's a time to help families reconnect and children rediscover the simple joys of activities other than digital entertainment. Screen-free week varies from April to May.

school bus

How to Schedule; It’s Elementary

by Michele January 15th, 2024| Elementary, Seasonal

Your child has entered elementary school, and a good portion of her day is consumed by school. This might make scheduling easier than the preschool days that filled only a few hours a couple days a week, or so you thought.


Morning Routines: The Elementary Years

by YPI Editors September 22nd, 2016| Elementary, Seasonal
We beg of you, please tell us that there's a morning routine for your elementary aged child. If you haven't created one and your mornings are chaotic and prone to emotional outbursts, it's time to create a routine. More than likely you've heard that children thrive on a schedule. It's
child backpack

It’s Time for Back to School Shopping

by Tania Cowling August 17th, 2016| Elementary, Seasonal
Have you ever experienced a “before-school-starts” nightmare to try and find the “coolest” clothes or the most efficient tablet? I have. Hopefully some of these “I've been there” tips will help get your school shopping done somewhat stress-free. It’s all about the planning.

With school bells ringing in August (for others

Where to Place and How to Grow Your Orchids Indoor

by Editorial Team July 11th, 2016| Seasonal
Observing blooming orchids look so surreal that it’s hard to believe that you can grow them inside your home. And you don’t even need to be a green thumb to make care for them. Are you set on bringing beautiful orchids to your home anytime soon? Here’s how you

Benefits of Elementary-Aged Kids in the Garden

by Joe Lawrence June 15th, 2016| Elementary, Seasonal
Elementary-aged children are extremely curious little creatures. Curious about everything except new foods and apparently vegetables. There is a very easy way for parents to get kids excited about vegetables and trying new foods all keeping them busy: gardening.

We are fortunate that our daughter is willing to at least try
inside plane

Taking Flight with your Child and Surviving!

by Joe Lawrence May 18th, 2016| Elementary, Seasonal
The finish line is in sight for our children. School is almost out for the summer and for many that means vacation time. There is planning around every detail of the trip; however, many do not think about the actual plane ride itself. This moment of forced containment can be
sugared cereal

Keeping a Healthy Lifestyle with Elementary Aged Kids

by Michele February 17th, 2016| Elementary, Seasonal
Ahh. . .elementary school years. They are such a wonderful time of learning. Of course, not all learning is ABCs and 123s. One of the biggest revelations can be the mind-blowing introduction to junk food and mindless TV. Let me explain.

I was fortunate in that I was able to be
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The Important Gift of Giving

by Gary Hays December 16th, 2015| Elementary, Seasonal
When all through the house there arose such a clatter… As elementary schools dismiss for the holiday season, excited children prepare to spend a couple of weeks completely underfoot in anticipation of the bearded jolly fat man shimmying down the chimney with his big bag full of goodies. While
elementary age cooking (400x400)

Cooking With Kids – Just the Basics

by Gary Hays November 18th, 2015| Elementary, Seasonal
We all have one thing in common. We like to eat. As young children, most of us never gave a second thought to the preparation time that went into the meals we were served. We just knew that come supper time, our hunger would be appeased with a delicious

Goblins, Ghosts, and Ghouls!

by Gary Hays October 14th, 2015| Elementary, Seasonal

Goblins, ghosts, and ghouls! Traditionally quiet neighborhood streets are about to be placed under siege by throngs of costume wearing youngsters in their quest at filling their trick or treat bags to the rim. In the excitement of them zig-zagging across streets, more mindful of which house to descend
