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How to Plan a Birthday Party for a Preschooler

by Margot F. November 4th, 2014| Preschool, Social
Birthday parties for children aged two through five can be lots of fun with a bit of planning. Young children do well with inviting only a few children and keeping things simple. What kinds of activities are suitable for different age groups? Do caregivers need to stay at the

Preschools Striving to Prevent Childhood Obesity

by Margot F. October 7th, 2014| Preschool, Social
Preschool educators have an excellent opportunity to help prevent childhood obesity. Children ages three to five are excited to learn and in a group environment are more likely to try new things.

The role of preschools in encouraging healthy eating is increasing as parents and caregivers experience tighter time constraints.

How to Dine at a Restaurant with Your Preschooler

by Michele September 30th, 2014| Preschool, Social
Going to a restaurant with a young child can be a parent's worst nightmare.  The wait!  The menu choices! The other guests! However, it doesn't have to be that way.  I started taking my children to restaurants when they were very young (about one year old), and they were

How to Help a Preschooler When a Family Pet Dies

by Margot F. September 2nd, 2014| Preschool, Social
The death of a pet can be traumatic for preschoolers. How can you help the youngster through this challenging time? When is it appropriate to get another pet?

When the family dog dies, everyone tends to feel sad. If the adults had acquired the dog as a pup and looked

How to Help Overweight Preschoolers

by Margot F. August 5th, 2014| Preschool, Social
What a big boy! Don’t worry, it’s just baby fat, he’ll slim down when he gets moving. But what if your preschooler is still heavy at age four? How can you tell if your preschooler is overweight and needs to slim down?

To accurately assess whether a young child is

Preschoolers and Limits for Computer Devices

by Margot F. July 8th, 2014| Preschool, Social
In my urban community, it seems that everywhere I look, a young child has access to a computer technical device. For example, when a young preschooler gets fussy in a restaurant, the mother hands him her phone to scroll through pictures. In another instance, a preschooler is busy on

5 Ideas for Outdoor Fun With Preschoolers

by Margot F. June 10th, 2014| Preschool, Social
With the warmer weather, there are more opportunities for young children to play outside. This is a great way to encourage creativity and promote healthy living.

Preschoolers are full of wonder about the world around them. With work schedules more relaxed in the summer, maybe now is the time to

3 Stages of Moving with Preschoolers

by Margot F. May 13th, 2014| Preschool, Social
People move residences for a variety of reasons. Although for adults the process can be stressful, young children are also significantly impacted. How can a parent help a preschooler feel comfortable moving to a new home?

The parent’s attitude towards moving will set the tone for the rest of the
visiting baby

5-Year-Olds and a New Baby

by Margot F. April 15th, 2014| Preschool, Social
Five-year-olds rock! They are active, curious and fun. However, they are still dependent on the adults in their life to keep them safe and explain events. The arrival of a baby tends to cause anxiety for everyone. Here a few suggestions to help make the transitions easier.

As a child
girl in pink sweater

Fabulous Four-Year-Olds

by Margot F. March 18th, 2014| Preschool, Social
Seemingly overnight, a four-year-old transforms from being a toddler to looking and acting like a miniature person.

By four, most children are toilet trained with the exception of the occasional accident when the child is too busy to go to the washroom. During an exciting event, it is helpful if
boy at window

Magical Threes

by Margot F. February 18th, 2014| Preschool, Social
Children of ages three and four grow tremendously physically, cognitively and emotionally. Although each child progresses at a different rate, the general steps are the same. The shift from “terrible twos” to “magical threes” is delightful.

As a child approaches their third birthday, major temper tantrums decrease. The child is
