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Archives for Pregnancy


Post-Pregnancy Changes

by Jane Wangersky January 2nd, 2013| Pregnancy
After giving birth, you'll naturally be intensely focused on your baby. However, it'll be better for both of you if you're aware of the changes going on in your own body. Some of them will be permanent, others can be reversed (especially with a little help), but

Pregnancy and Tragic News

by Jane Wangersky December 20th, 2012| Pregnancy
During my first pregnancy, I experienced one of those permanent changes that a woman doesn't really know about until it's hit her. While watching TV, I saw news footage of a refugee woman -- I don't even remember where she was from, or what disaster had driven her from

Good News Items for Moms-to-Be

by Jane Wangersky December 7th, 2012| Pregnancy
Moms-to-be can always use some good news to balance all the warnings they get from the media and other well-intentioned (?) sources, so I've collected some mostly positive info items about pregnancy from all over the world. Some are recent, some hold true for every winter or year-round:

Though the

Baby Name Books: The Lighter Side

by Jane Wangersky November 20th, 2012| Pregnancy
Baby name books have come a long way since they consisted of alphabetized lists found in tiny booklets in the checkout lane at the supermarket, or in the back of the unabridged dictionary. They've even come a long way since Beyond Jennifer and Jason. Now you can get whole

Pregnancy and Antidepressants: One More Worry?

by Jane Wangersky November 7th, 2012| Pregnancy
"Expect to go through mood swings" and "Stay in a calm, happy mood for the good of your baby" are two of those contradictory pieces of advice that you get while you're pregnant. It seems they're saying that a pregnant woman's state of mind is both terribly important and

Pregnancy and Sleep

by Jane Wangersky October 24th, 2012| Pregnancy
Pregnant women often have trouble sleeping, especially after the first trimester. I know I got up at least once a night to go to the bathroom, and at least one time I got up to eat some ice cream because I had heartburn and we were out of Tums.

Baby Kicking? Count to 10

by Jane Wangersky October 9th, 2012| Pregnancy
About five months into my first pregnancy, as I was standing at the stove, it happened for the first time -- I felt a sudden quick burst of activity inside me, not caused by anything I was doing, voluntarily or otherwise. Right away, I knew why moms called it

Birth Plans: What, Why, and How

by Jane Wangersky September 25th, 2012| Pregnancy
A birth plan is a short document stating your preferences in choices you have during labor and just after the birth. It can be very useful to have these written down in one place, and not just for your own reference. As Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn (by Penny Simkin,

Practice Contractions in Pregnancy

by Jane Wangersky September 11th, 2012| Pregnancy
I was seven months pregnant when I suddenly had an overwhelming desire to clean out the fireplace -- shovel out all the ashes, scrub the inside, then drag the cast-iron grate out into the yard and hose it down. Sure it would be hard, but I'd give myself the

Pregnant Women Vs. Insects

by Jane Wangersky August 28th, 2012| Pregnancy
If you're pregnant in summer, you're already uncomfortable, and you probably feel you don't need insect bites to add to your troubles. But is it safe to use insect repellants during pregnancy? Pregnant women hear so many warnings against using chemicals (without clearing it with their doctors, anyway), that

Older Moms-to-Be: Get Informed, Not Obsessed

by Jane Wangersky August 16th, 2012| Pregnancy
As I wrote last time, a pregnant woman over the age of 35 finds herself being treated a little differently from a younger mother-to-be. Though a little more caution is warranted in a pregnancy at this age, it can also be annoying or, worse, a source of

Resolutions of a Pregnant 36-Year-Old

by Jane Wangersky August 3rd, 2012| Pregnancy
Pregnant women aged 35 and over are sometimes -- happily, not very often anymore -- called "senile gravidas". It has nothing to do with failing mental power, it just means that you're considered a little old to be having a baby.

Anyone over 35 should know her own mind and
