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Four-Step Reflection Tool for Preschoolers

by Joe Lawrence January 20th, 2025| Preschool, School

I am a huge fan of challenging what I am taught. And I truly believe that there is more than one way to skin a cat. I carried this thought all through school, college, and into my professional life.


Parent-Teacher Conferences: Basic Guidelines

by YPI Editors November 18th, 2024| Elementary, Preschool, School, School, School, School, Teens, Tweens

As November begins, many students are finishing the first quarter of the school year. With this demarcation usually comes parent-teacher conferences. As a parent and a former teacher, I have to admit that these conferences can be stressful for both sides

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Preschoolers Should Enjoy Learning

by Joe Lawrence January 8th, 2024| Preschool, School

Getting your preschooler ready for school is not as hard as you may think. Just by doing some simple things at home you can get your little one all ready for school and give them a leg up on the others.


Parent-Teacher Conferences: Work as a Team

by YPI Editors November 20th, 2023| Elementary, Preschool, School, School, School, School, Teens, Tweens

It's the day of parent-teacher conferences. You arrive a few minutes early and are waiting in the hallway for your turn. You enter the room calm and ready to chat. (If you didn't do both of these things, be sure to


Summer Day Trips That Educate

by Tania Cowling June 27th, 2022| Preschool, School
During the summer preschoolers love to accompany their parents, grandparents, or sitters on errands. Think about all the teachable moments that accompany a trip to the bank, veterinarian, grocery store, and such. Everyday places provide entertainment and learning. Then, on weekends you and your family may go on an extended

Does Your Preschool Have an Allergy Plan?

by Tania Cowling April 29th, 2019| Preschool, School
For some children even small amounts of dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mold, and even chalk dust can be detrimental to their health if they suffer from allergies. Things that seem harmless to some kids can cause sneezing, congestion, watery eyes and even asthma in some preschoolers. This is

Prepare for Preschool with Lessons from My Grandma

by Joe Lawrence August 2nd, 2016| Preschool, School
Sadly, the summer days are slowly coming to an end. School bells can faintly be heard in the distance. Back to school shopping is right around the corner, and our little ones will be off to the races once again. For those entering preschool there are some potential challenges they
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Preschoolers’ Last Summer

by Joe Lawrence May 10th, 2016| Preschool, School
Summer is almost upon us, and this school season will be ending. As parents of preschoolers, it is scary and exciting to see what the next year will hold for our little ones. There are some things we can do to help prepare them for their first year of grammar

Saint Patty’s Day Fun at Preschool

by Tania Cowling March 8th, 2016| Preschool, School
Greet your students with “Top of the Morning” this St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th. Preschoolers absorb information about holidays when engaging in projects throughout the curriculum. Here are a few activities to stimulate interest on this special green day.

Begin by discussing what this holiday represents (or as much as you
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4 Ways To Help Preschoolers Develop Social Skills

by Marnie Bii November 10th, 2015| Preschool, School
The stress of attending school for the first time can cause your normally cheerful and friendly preschooler to unexpectedly lash out at others. At first, you may feel perplexed at hearing your child is having trouble getting along with his or her peers. At this point in life, however,
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2 Laws of Learning for Our Preschoolers

by Joe Lawrence September 29th, 2015| Preschool, School
When it comes to preschool learners, there is not much difference between them and their older counterparts. Professional educators follow learning laws when creating courses and preparing instructions. We can use some of these to teach our children.

Learning laws are similar to the laws of physics. They are tested
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5 Ways to Prepare Your Preschooler for School

by Joe Lawrence July 21st, 2015| Preschool, School
Summer is already at its mid-point and it is time to start preparing our children for the upcoming school year. Some future preschoolers have no idea what to expect and can have a little anxiety. There are some things we can do to mentally prepare them for this day.

