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Archives for Preschool


Showing Encouragement During the Toddler & Preschool Years

by YPI Editors October 18th, 2016| Communication, Communication, Infants/Toddlers, Preschool
So much of parenting is a balancing act. Make sure they're well cared for but not overindulged. Comfort them when they're afraid, but also teach them to comfort themselves. The list could go on, but the point has been made. It's a matter of finding moderation in most aspects of

Morning Routines: It’s Not Too Early to Start

by YPI Editors September 20th, 2016| Infants/Toddlers, Preschool, Seasonal, Seasonal
Mornings- depending on your sleep pattern, you may love them or despise them. Of course, despising them doesn't make them go away or change the time that school or work starts. Regardless to your opinion on this time of day, it's good to get your little ones used to the

Preschoolers Riding Bicycles: Tips for Parents

by Tania Cowling August 23rd, 2016| Preschool, Safety
Has your preschooler transitioned from training wheels to traditional bicycle riding? While bike riding is a healthy activity, it does hold risks. Unfortunately, too many children end up in the emergency room due to bicycle related injuries. Safety is a priority and parents should heed this advice by the U.S.
hello kitty lunchbox

Preschool Back-to-School Shopping Like a Pro

by Joe Lawrence August 16th, 2016| Preschool, Seasonal
Back to school shopping was one of my favorite times each year. We didn’t have a lot of money growing up, but my big sister would take me and we would stretch out every dollar. I am very excited to see my wife take my kids shopping for supplies and

Everyone Has Emotions Even Preschoolers

by Tania Cowling August 9th, 2016| Communication, Preschool
It’s a parent’s job to reassure your child that all of his/her feelings and emotions are valid. Create a sharing time during the day to help your preschooler talk about her feelings. Try to choose a quiet time each day when your youngster is settled and less distracted, perhaps during

Prepare for Preschool with Lessons from My Grandma

by Joe Lawrence August 2nd, 2016| Preschool, School
Sadly, the summer days are slowly coming to an end. School bells can faintly be heard in the distance. Back to school shopping is right around the corner, and our little ones will be off to the races once again. For those entering preschool there are some potential challenges they

Picnics Are a Simple Way to Make Memories

by Joe Lawrence July 19th, 2016| Preschool, Seasonal
Summer is the best season to get some extra time in with family and friends. The weather is nice to where you can do many fun activities with your little ones and let them roam the yard or park with their friends while you get some adult time with your

5 Tips for Raising a Good Listener

by Tania Cowling July 12th, 2016| Behavior, Preschool
Is your child tuning you out? Do you feel you are talking to the wall? I’ve experienced this many times. Through research and a few “I’ve been there” tips I offer you some simple steps that will help your child pay attention. Here’s to raising a good listener.


3 Fun-Filled Water Activities for Preschoolers

by Joe Lawrence July 5th, 2016| Entertainment, Preschool
Preschoolers are so much fun and so full of life. It really does not take much to keep them occupied, especially in the summer. One thing that they never seem to find boring is water. So, here I will discuss some water fun for the little one.

I remember thinking about

4 Swimming Pool Safety Tips for Preschoolers

by Joe Lawrence June 21st, 2016| Preschool, Seasonal
Summer is finally here and so is the heat. This is our chance to enjoy some sunshine and get the kids out of the house for some summer fun. Typically, this involves a swimming pool so our preschoolers can cool off and burn lots of energy. However, there are some

What Can My Preschooler Learn From Gardening?

by Tania Cowling June 14th, 2016| Preschool, Seasonal
Whether you are growing veggies, herbs, or flowers, working with the earth is enriching for children. The pride and gratification children feel when contributing fresh food or a colorful vase of flowers bolsters their self-esteem. There is also a lot of education involved in gardening – science and math especially.
