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Archives for Safety

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5 Ways to Protect Your Infant From the Sun

by Jessica B. July 29th, 2024| Infants/Toddlers, Safety

Summer is a great time to be outdoors with your little one, but sun exposure can be harmful to a young baby. But don't worry, you don't have to spend your entire time indoors. With a

Keeping Your Baby Safe During the Summer Heat

by Tania Cowling July 25th, 2022| Infants/Toddlers, Safety

The temperatures are soaring, and parents should take care to keep babies healthy and cool during the summer season. We think of summer as fun in the sun, but potential dangers lurk, so here are a few things to think about

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Safety of Buying Breast Milk Online

by Tania Cowling April 22nd, 2019| Infants/Toddlers, Safety
One of the main concerns of a new parent is feeding your baby. For nursing mothers, breastfeeding is convenient and gives your child a high nutrient enriched food along with immunity factors. But, what if you can’t breast feed your infant due to mechanical or medical issues? Should you
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The Lowdown on Lead

by Tania Cowling April 18th, 2016| Infants/Toddlers, Safety
Lead in water supplies has been trending in the news, but did you know that lead could be found in other materials, too? And the CDC (Center for Disease Control) says that there is no safe lead level for children. From the time a fetus is in utero, lead poisoning

Mosquitoes Don’t Just Make You Itch

by Tania Cowling February 29th, 2016| Infants/Toddlers, Safety

There has been a lot of talk about mosquitoes, especially concerning the new Zika virus that has been affecting pregnant women and their babies in the Americas, including cases in the United States. So far the Zika cases here in the

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4 Smart Ways to Follow Safe to Sleep Guidelines

by Marnie Bii January 11th, 2016| Infants/Toddlers, Safety
The Back to Sleep program changed its name to Safe To Sleep several years back, but its message remains the same. All babies need to be placed on their backs for sleep during naps and nighttime hours to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Unfortunately, some babies absolutely
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5 Safety Tips for Holiday Travel With Your Infant

by Marnie Bii November 9th, 2015| Infants/Toddlers, Safety
With the holiday season well underway, you may be looking at a ton of drive time with your infant in tow. Driving long distances with an infant can be safe and stress free by taking the proper precautions. The time you take readying the car and planning your route
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4 Smart Toddler Climbing Safety Tips

by Marnie Bii September 28th, 2015| Infants/Toddlers, Safety
No matter how hard you try to prevent it, toddlers are going to climb. Even the youngest of the bunch, unable to stand for more than a few seconds on wobbly legs, will quickly learn how to climb over the bars of the crib and flip themselves out in
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5 Tips for Toddler Pool Safety

by Jessica B. July 20th, 2015| Infants/Toddlers, Safety
Summer time means spending a lot of time at the pool. Little ones can enjoy hanging out by the pool as much as big kids, so don’t leave them out. Pools do present a few extra dangers, but swimming with your little one only means taking a few extra
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6 Winter Safety Tips for Infants and Toddlers

by Tania Cowling March 2nd, 2015| Infants/Toddlers, Safety
Every season has its own safety issues when it comes to young children. Let’s look at winter in this article for the youngest kiddies. You can’t stay indoors the entire winter season as cabin fever will really get you down, but you need to be aware of some of
