By the end of the day, both parents and young children are tired, hungry, and possibly cranky – not the best scenario for stress-free dining. First of all most babies are usually on a demand feeding cycle so they may have already been fed and sleeping when the family is
There has been a lot of talk about mosquitoes, especially concerning the new Zika virus that has been affecting pregnant women and their babies in the Americas, including cases in the United States. So far the Zika cases here in the
I'm sure there are many books and apps that you can buy to guide you, but let me offer you some simple (and free) advice. Teaching your toddler how to live a healthy lifestyle is common sense. Like anything else in parenting, that doesn't mean that it's simple, but the
If you just cannot afford to (yet again!) leave the grocery store or restaurant due to a cranky, crying baby, you may be desperate for a solution that works to quiet your child for just a few more minutes. You may try singing, dancing, holding, feeding or making silly faces,
The Back to Sleep program changed its name to Safe To Sleep several years back, but its message remains the same. All babies need to be placed on their backs for sleep during naps and nighttime hours to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Unfortunately, some babies absolutely
As you cuddle your perfect bundle of joy for the first time, you might be surprised to see that his or her nails are already in dire need of a trim. Infants often grab onto their face and body due to incomplete spatial development, which can result in deep scratches
Infants carefully observe their parents to begin learning social skills immediately upon entering this world. Infants take in a ton of information each day just by observing interactions between people in the room. Whenever possible, their attention is zeroed in on their parent's facial expressions and body language. Infants
With the terrible twos comes the incredibly frustrating picky eater stage. Your toddler may refuse to even try the smallest bite of food that looks, smells or tastes different from expectations. If you give into this stage, your child may remain a picky eater through adulthood. Thankfully, you can
Toddlers love to be included in the fun of cooking meals and desserts for the family. Cooking teaches your toddler a number of important skills, including counting, measuring and fine motor control. Mixing up meals and desserts can even have an impact on picky eaters. You may notice that
With the holiday season well underway, you may be looking at a ton of drive time with your infant in tow. Driving long distances with an infant can be safe and stress free by taking the proper precautions. The time you take readying the car and planning your route
Infants benefit from tummy time far before they start gearing up to scoot or crawl at around six months of age. In fact, you can start holding regular tummy time sessions as soon as your infant can hold up his or her head for a few seconds at a
Halloween can be an overwhelming holiday for the littlest kids in the group. The dark atmosphere, scary costumes and long walks all tend to keep toddlers from truly enjoying this awesome holiday. You can reinvent the holiday by embracing a month of fun activities that are geared toward the