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Archives for Infants/Toddlers

Keeping Your Baby Safe During the Summer Heat

by Tania Cowling July 25th, 2022| Infants/Toddlers, Safety

The temperatures are soaring, and parents should take care to keep babies healthy and cool during the summer season. We think of summer as fun in the sun, but potential dangers lurk, so here are a few things to think about

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4 Ways to Help Toddlers Stop Throwing Food

by Marnie Bii December 27th, 2021| Behavior, Infants/Toddlers
Just when you think you are safe to eat your own meal with your toddler eating in a highchair nearby does the food throwing begin. As you quickly grow exasperated by these messy antics, your toddler is likely just starting to really enjoy this new game. You do not have
baby games

Turn Off the TV and Play Some Baby Games

by Tania Cowling April 26th, 2021| Infants/Toddlers, Seasonal
Some parents use the television as a baby sitter ,and I admit I have done this myself when trying to tidy up the house. Yes, the noise and conversation sometime soothe a baby, and kiddie shows stimulate toddlers. Now, I’m not saying your little one can never watch television, but

Conventional Versus Organic Milk

by Tania Cowling March 2nd, 2020| Care, Infants/Toddlers
Organic has been trending these days especially when we talk about fruits and vegetables – but what about milk? There are several reasons that concerns us about buying milk for our youngsters, and believe me children go through a lot of milk per day. We have to consider the cost,
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Safety of Buying Breast Milk Online

by Tania Cowling April 22nd, 2019| Infants/Toddlers, Safety
One of the main concerns of a new parent is feeding your baby. For nursing mothers, breastfeeding is convenient and gives your child a high nutrient enriched food along with immunity factors. But, what if you can’t breast feed your infant due to mechanical or medical issues? Should you

Creating a Home for Your New Family

by Editorial Team January 11th, 2019| Infants/Toddlers

You've decided it's time to start a family or maybe you've learned that your expecting, the next item on your list may be finding the perfect home in which to raise your family. If this is your first home, you may be

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Holiday Tips for Curious Babies and Toddlers

by Tania Cowling November 26th, 2018| Infants/Toddlers, Seasonal
The holiday season is upon us and we are busy decorating the house and getting into the spirit. Please, don’t forget the babies and toddlers – they want to feel the joy too! Here are some tips to make your youngest of children happy during the holidays.

First, let’s think

How to Make Your Life Easier Caring for a Newborn

by Editorial Team October 29th, 2018| Infants/Toddlers
Having a newborn baby is very exciting and rewarding, but it can also be a stressful time for you. Be glad to know there are ways to make your life easier so you can more seamlessly care for your newborn.

Most importantly, enjoy the journey because they will grow up and

Parental Concerns for Car Seats Suitable for Newborns

by Editorial Team October 29th, 2018| Infants/Toddlers
When you have a newborn or a young baby, there are all sorts of considerations about their safety. Current guidelines regarding car seats for babies suggest that as many as 10 percent of newborns and infants are insecurely or unsafely placed in car seats.

As a parent, your child’s ongoing safety

4 Tips for Staying Sane When Your Baby is in NICU

by Editorial Team October 1st, 2018| Infants/Toddlers

When you are faced with an unpleasant surprise like your new baby having to go into the NICU, or you are told while you are pregnant that this is a likely outcome, it’s important to have measures in place to cope. There are a number of different approaches

How to Maintain Your Own Identity as a Parent

by Editorial Team August 31st, 2018| Infants/Toddlers
Having children is a wonderful experience. It can provide you with a clear purpose and a strong incentive for making the most of every day. However, raising a young family can also result in you losing your sense of self. If you are concerned that this has happened to you,

Sick Visits & Kids

by Editorial Team June 5th, 2018| Infants/Toddlers
It's never any fun when your little one is sick. Whether it's a cough or a tummy ache, those little faces look so sad. Extra nap time, fluids, and snuggles usually do the trick. But sometimes, the illness needs more than a home remedy.

If your child needs to go to
