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Archives for Infants/Toddlers

Childproofing Is Mandatory

by Joe Lawrence June 14th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers
"You are going to get hurt doing that..." are the words shouted by my mother many times growing up.  It seems the things I thought were harmless and couldn't even imagine how I could get hurt by were death traps.  I honestly thought she was crazy until just recently.


Chicco DJ Baby Walker

by Joe Lawrence June 4th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers, Product reviews
Visions of my seven-month-old chasing down my dog and knocking over chairs and decor along the way raced across my mind the other day as I was assembling the Chicco DJ Baby Walker my wife purchased.  Although I am against it in principle, I think this is a great

Milestones Come Every Few Feet Now

by Joe Lawrence May 26th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers
For the first three months or so, the milestones were slow rolling.  Her first car ride.  Her first walk down the street in the stroller.  All were big deals.  It was major news when my little one noticeably began to recognize us.  Now, just a few months later, none

Preparing for the Future

by Joe Lawrence May 12th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers
When it comes to our children we want the best for them.  Often the "best" are things we didn't have as young ones.  Maybe they're even the things we valued the most.  Either way we want to give our children the best lives and prepare them for the future

Baby’s First Solids Should Be a Happy Experience

by Joe Lawrence April 30th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers, Product reviews
My beautiful little girl is now 6 and a half months old!  She is such an amazing person filled with tons of personality.  It is great to watch her grow, and I only want the best for her.  We all know children need nutrition to develop into who they

Schedule, What Schedule?

by Joe Lawrence April 21st, 2010| Infants/Toddlers
Every new parent can respect and appreciate the value of getting your child on a set schedule.  When you have a pretty good idea of when she will nap and sleep each day, life gets much easier.  What happens when you get a wrench tossed into the gears?

My wife

Everyone Has an Opinion

by Joe Lawrence April 5th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers
There are two times in your life where you'll learn what others think about you and your decisions.  The first is if you run for a political office.  The other is after you have a child.

After my daughter was born, my wife and I quickly learned every single person on

Dr. Brown’s Bottle System

by Joe Lawrence March 26th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers, Product reviews
My wife and I spent many hours researching each item purchased for my daughter.  She is our first child, and we both want the best for her.  When it came to bottles, we decided this is an important investment and wanted the best.

I am a review reader and thus

Summer Infant SwaddleMe

by Joe Lawrence March 12th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers, Product reviews
I still can remember going to the baby classes and watching the lady swaddle the baby doll.  It was a scary moment for me because I could not grasp the concept.  Diapers, bottles, baths nor anything else gave me even the smallest bead of sweat.  It was swaddling.

Thank you

Babies Are Not Drones

by Joe Lawrence March 3rd, 2010| Infants/Toddlers
Newsflash, babies are not mindless drones.  You can't program them to follow a specific schedule or even to act a certain way.  They are people.

Now with that newsflash out of the way, let us get to the root.  I always thought that my self-discipline and desire to strive for

Prince Lionheart Premium Wipes Warmer

by Joe Lawrence February 19th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers, Product reviews
I am on record saying how dumb I think it is to spend money on frivolous items that truly are not needed.  I even used the wipes warmer as an example of this.  I have to be honest, though.  This warmer is pretty good.

For less than $30, the Prince

Stop Your Baby from Being a Pacifier Junkie

by Joe Lawrence January 26th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers
"Wah, Wah, Wah!" are the sounds flooding the baby monitor as we jump from the bed at 1 am.  I rush into the bedroom to find her fast asleep but crying frantically.  I pick her up and rock her, check her diaper and nothing gives.  Finally, I give her a
