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Archives for Infants/Toddlers

sleeping boy

When to Ditch the Nighttime Diapers

by T Akery May 28th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
Your toddler has finally mastered the art of the potty during the day. At night, you still put the diapers on to prevent accidents. But the time is coming when they no longer need those diapers and your days of buying them are coming to an end. Here are
dad baby car

Tips to Prevent Forgetting Your Infant in the Car

by T Akery May 16th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
With summer rolling around, the news items about infant deaths in cars increase. Sadly, this really is a preventable tragedy. But parents get busy and distracted. They are rushing around getting things done. While parents would say that they would never leave their infant in the car, the inevitable
child mouth

Toddler Speech

by T Akery May 1st, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
Toddlers are making their journey into the verbal world. At some point in their development, they turn into continuous chatterboxes. Their chatter is sometimes very hard to understand. But it is the beginning of learning how to communicate with their voice, and the time when their vocabulary starts expanding.

Helping Your Toddler with Brushing Their Teeth

by T Akery April 16th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
No matter when your toddler developed their teeth, taking care of those baby teeth is still important. As a toddler, they can help participate in oral care. While it isn't always a fun time and there will certainly be days of protest and tantrums, toddlers should start learning the
zoo people

Taking Your Toddler to the Zoo

by T Akery April 3rd, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
The zoo is a great place for toddlers to explore. They'll get an up close look at all the animals, maybe get a chance to feed some of them, and will have a great time in the process. There are a few things that you need to do to
toddler unhappy

Conditions that Can Cause Diaper Rash

by T Akery March 19th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
Diaper rash is an uncomfortable condition for toddlers to have. There are some conditions that can cause your toddler to come down with this painful red rash. It can be a pain to treat at times. Your toddler may fight you when you try to treat the area. If
film folder

Tips on Taking Your Toddler to the Movies

by T Akery March 6th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
Frankly, going to the movies is not something that parents of infants and toddlers get to do very often or ever. There are quite a few challenges and some of them are impossible to overcome. There is no guarantee that you will succeed at watching the entire movie with
airport crowd

Tips for Flying with a Toddler

by T Akery February 21st, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
Flying with a toddler is stressful. You worry about keeping them happy. You worry about them throwing fits. You worry about what other passengers will think. You worry about having enough stuff to keep them happy. It isn't easy traveling on airplanes. But when you have no choice, here

Stop Catching Your Toddler’s Cold

by T Akery February 6th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
It happens all the time. Your toddler picks up a cold from daycare. They wind up passing it on to you and everyone in the household. Now, all of you are sick. It is time to stop the cycle of sickness. Not even supermoms are immune to their toddlers'
mom locket

Things a New Mom Needs for Herself

by T Akery January 21st, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
New babies need a lot of things. But a new mommy needs a few things as well. Often, these things get forgotten in the rush of the moment of having a new infant. While shopping for the new baby is fun, you can't forget that the new

Signs Your Toddler Has Not Outgrown Nap Time

by T Akery January 9th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
Nap time is such an important time of day for both parents and toddlers. But sometimes, your toddler just does not want to take a nap. You should not take this as a sign that they have suddenly outgrown their need to take a nap. While you
safety child

Gun Safety for Toddlers

by T Akery December 27th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
Toddlers are curious creatures, especially when it comes to handguns. Many have died just because they have gotten their hands on them. The bulk of the responsibility lies on the parents. So if you intend to bring a gun into your home with toddlers around, here are
